Rabbits – home learning for 12th June

Good morning Rabbits

Did you get terribly wet yesterday doing the action figure diving challenge?

Spelling test today – see if you can correctly finish the spelling words by filling in the blanks.

Maths:  Please have a go on the TT Rock stars today.  If you want to visit My Maths there is a task for you to do.

English: you can complete your story today.  Remember the ending needs to make sense, it needs you to explain what has happened and what the character does at the end is also important.  Otherwise there is the BBC Bitesize task if you prefer.

Project:  Sports English Activity year 2 and 3  This task is all about sport and gets you to think of the vocabulary and imagine what the sports people are saying.  You can look through the pages and select the sport that is of most interest to you – just complete one of the pages.

Sports Stadiums:  As you know, last year I was teaching in another country – while I was there in Qatar, they were building new stadiums for the 2022 World Cup Football.  It was pretty exciting.  I have included some pictures of their new stadiums for you to see.  I would like you to design your own.  It does not have to be for football but could be for any favourite sport.  The stadium can be made from an empty box and I would like you to include the pitch, the goals and also the fans – you could draw lots of faces and stick them around the stadium.  See if you can get really creative and design the outside.  Some famous buildings have been built for Olympics – the Birds Nest Stadium was built to look like a nest!  The stadium in Doha (where I lived) was made to look like a torch.  See what inspires you.

Stadium Pictures

I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.  Well done for keeping up with your learning and for being such lovely children for your families.

Mrs Cooke


Rabbits – home learning for 11th June

Good morning Rabbits.

Well it’s Thursday, and you would be doing music if we were in school, Mrs Hindson has given me some work for you to be doing today.

‘Hey Little Frog’  Year 2

Learn this song from Sing Up about the lifecycle of frogs. Can you make up some actions to go with the words? Download more activities to make a mask or poster.


‘The Geography Song’ Year 3

Learn this song from Sing Up about the continents and the oceans. Can you clap in time with the chorus? Can you remember all the continents and oceans? Ask an adult to test you!


Now that you are all in good voice – time to tell your parents and loved ones that you are very grateful to them for all that they do for you!  (maybe you could sing it?)

On with English:  BBC bitesize if you are following that this week.  If you are writing your story, you can continue with that.  Remember to plan out the plot – what will happen at the start, and now what will happen in the middle of the story?  This is where the action takes place – use those action verbs and adverbs to make it sound exciting.

Maths:  here are today’s tasks.

Year 2 lesson 4 answers Year 2 lesson 4 maths Year 3 lesson 4 answers Year 3 lesson 4 maths

Project:  today, you are going to do some investigations for me.  I want to know the answers to the following questions:

  • What is the oldest sport on record?
  • Where is the most extreme sport played?
  • What is the most difficult sport?

Use these references to get your answers…



What did you find?  Did you find any different extreme sports?  One webiste had “volcano surfing”!  That is a bit too extreme for me!

Now then – for some fun (and beware – this might annoy an adult so be SENSIBLE),  I would like you to design a high-dive competition for some of your action figures or toys.  You will need:

  • A sink or bath – you could use an outside tap and a bucket
  • A selection of waterproof action figures
  • A platform that can hold the figure high above your bath or sink or bucket
  • COLD Water in the bath or sink (or bucket)
  • A towel (that you are allowed to use)

You have to design three types of dives or bungee jumps for your figures.  They can dive backwards, forwards, spinning etc.  They must hit the water and not fall out (!)

If they are bungee jumping you will need to attach elastic from the platform.

Decide on the points that you can award each attempt and see which action figure is best at diving.  You should let your brothers and sisters play this with you when they have finished their work!

Have fun – stay dry!

Mrs Cooke.

Mrs Viner’s Well Being Wednesday

Well-being Wednesday
Hi Everyone!
This week I want you to think about the similarities and differences between you and your friends.
There are lots of people in the world, but we are all different. There is no one quite like you!
Have a think about the following questions:
What colour are your eyes? What colour eyes does your friend have?
What type of hair do you have? What colour is it?
What about your friend?
What is your skin like? What about your friends?
Who do you live with at home? Is it different to your friend?
Do you have any brother or sisters? What about your friends?
Do you have any pets? What are they? Does your friend have pets? Are they the same as yours?
What languages do you use? Does your friend use a different language?
What is your favourite piece of fruit? Thing to do? Favourite colour? How about your friend?
You might like to draw a picture showing the things that are different and the things that are the same between you and your friend. 
Remember….we are all different, but we are all friends! 
Take care,
Mrs. Viner 🌈💞😀

Rabbits – Home learning for 10th June

Good morning – is it really the 10th of June already?

Maybe this morning you should start with a big THANK YOU! to whoever is working with you doing your on-line schooling – Mum or Dad, big sister or brother or maybe you are on your own?  Well take a minute to say thank you to anyone who is helping you.

So on with the work:  Here is a little starter activity to get your gray cells working!  Alphabetical Order – Alphabetical order

English:  Again, stick with bitesize if you prefer, or continue with your work towards creating a story. You should have some ideas on character, plot and today you are ready to write out your first ideas.

Plan the first paragraph with the following things:

  • Setting – where it is – what does your setting look like?
  • What will be happening?  What characters need to be in the first part of the story?
  • Use some fronted adverbial phrases, (later that day, first thing that morning, slowly and steadily ….)

Maths:  here are the lessons for today on white rose – you could also look on My Maths if you fancy a change!

Year 2 lesson 3 answers

Year 2 lesson 3 maths

year 3 lesson 3 answers

year 3 lesson 3 maths

Project:  I know that you have had some amazing ideas for your own sports event.  Today, I would like you to design your own sports uniform (strip) or clothing that is needed for your sport.  You can make a logo that goes with it.  This link might help if you are struggling to draw people.  Design your sports kit    Sports people drawing templates

Reading:  There are three different levels of tasks in this reading activity – select one that you find suitable for your interests:  The subject is the Paralympians. Reading Task for Year 2 and 3  

I look forward to seeing your designs and ideas for new sports.

Stay happy!

Mrs Cooke

Video Information on Wider Opening at St. John The Baptist School

We have put together a short video to demonstrate the new systems that will be in place when the wider opening commences in June 2020.  Please show this clip to your child and help them to understand the changes that they will see once back at school.  Thank you

Please note that it was very windy when this was filmed, therefore you need to turn up your volume control.


Rabbits – home learning for 9th June

Good Morning Rabbits

I hope you are all well.  Maybe you are doing the Jo Wicks work-out each day?  I have been doing it on some of the days – it is quite a challenge!  I have also been doing Yoga and going on a long walk each day to stay fit.  Let me know what you are doing – bike riding, sailing, running.

Spellings:  the words are tricky this week but worth learning as they all fit with the theme of sports.

English:  You can either access the bbc bitesize lesson today – or you can continue with the plans for a story and look at the attachment for creating a character profile.

Character Profile

It is always fun to imagine your own story characters and to plan what they would be like and what they would do.  Use this sheet to help gather up your wonderful ideas.

Maths:  I have set some daily work on my maths if you are happy to follow that programme, but here are the tasks for today on the Whiterose – more fractions for both year 2 and year 3.

Year 2 lesson 2 answers

Year 2 Lesson 2 maths

Year 3 lesson 2 answers

year 3 lesson 2 maths

Project:  Yesterday, I asked you to create a front page for the project and design a sports pitch using your fractions.  Today, I would like you to make up a sports game all of your own.  You can then set out the rules of the game using bullet points, and the purpose of the game.  Please include the following things in your planning list or mind map.

  • A pitch, surface, field or court where the game is played
  • The number of players that are in each team
  • The bat, club or other thing that is used to hit the ball (or whatever object they hit)
  • A ball or object to hit
  • A goal of some type
  • You need a good name for your sport and then you can write out the rules that you decide.

Remember:  J K Rowling made up the game of Quidditch for her Harry Potter books.  Here is a short clip for you to watch:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A6z7R-aaDw

Other authors have made up sports in their books:  Can you find out the name of the race in Alice in Wonderland?  use this to help:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8MUMO1RJws

I hope you have fun inventing a new sport!

See you tomorrow

Mrs Cooke