Homework for Rabbits set on 21/11/19 for completion by 27/11/19

Homework for Rabbits 21st November 2019 – handing in by 26th November 2019

To continue work on grammar by writing sentences that contain the words

He  she  they  we  his   her  our  your

We are using pronouns in our Quest Narrative, the children can think of some suitable sentences that contain each of these pronouns.  Please complete the work in the homework books.  Thank you.

Rabbits Travel Back In Time

Rabbits had a wonderful trip to Park Hall Farm Victorian School on Monday.  They were dressed up in traditional Victorian clothing and then sat silently while the teacher took them through their times tables, knowledge of Victorian history and some writing (with right hands only!) on a slate with a slate pencil.  The teacher was strict but very kind and the children really enjoyed acting the part of Victorian schoolchildren.  There was time to look around the museum and some of the objects on display.Victorian Trip Rabbits 043

Action on Fractions!

Rabbits were getting to grips with fractions this week and completing some excellent mathematics.  Year 2 began by working out quarters, thirds and halves of amounts while Year 3 were busy working out picture diagrams of fractions.  The class were very proud of their efforts.

In other news, the class are very excited about their trip to Park Hall Victorian School on Monday afternoon.  They have been looking at how Victorian people dressed and the types of jobs they did.  The class drew more images for our Victorian display.

We were thinking about Anti-Bullying week and discussed several ways in which we could stop bullying between people.  We looked at our differences and similarities and wrote slogans for powerful posters.

Our Quest Stories are coming along nicely.  The children are now re-writing a version of a Quest story all about animals in the jungle.  This will continue next week.

Year 2 working on finding fractions of amounts

Year 2 working on finding fractions of amounts

Victorian School Trip Planning

For homework this week the children have a leaflet about Park Hall Farm and Victorian School.  Can the children please write down a list of at least 5 things that they are looking forward to doing at the Victorian School.  Also, can they write down 5 bullet points about what to remember when going on a school trip.  This might be about their behaviour, staying safe, dressing correctly or any other ideas they might have.  Work needs to be brought back to school on Monday morning.  More information about Park Hall Farm is on their website.

Shaping Up!

This week our maths focus was all about shape; the children enjoyed working on sorting and describing shapes in the classroom.  They then practised drawing 3D shapes and were quite amazed at how well they could draw cubes, cuboids and prisms.

In other work, the children created a wonderful Victorian Street scene which is displayed in class.  This will be added to in the next week when we learn more about the lives of people in Victorian towns and cities and the varied stalls and shops that were in the high streets.

In English the children have been really busy writing Quest stories, full of adventure and action. They are showing how creative they can be, making up strange locations and wonderful characters to write about.

history and maths Rabbits 023 history and maths Rabbits 025 history and maths Rabbits 027 history and maths Rabbits 030 history and maths Rabbits 031

Homework for the coming week

Please remember: Homework books MUST be brought back by Tuesday next week.

The task this week is to reinforce learning of shape in Maths.  Can they draw the following in their books:

a blue triangle with equal sides

a red square measuring 4 x 4 cm

a green pentagon

a purple trapezium.

They can then draw a complete picture using each of these shapes (more than once if necessary) and present this in their books.

“Thanks!” from Oswestry Food Bank.

Two pupils took food donations to our local food bank following our Harvest Festival Service at St. John The Baptist Church this month.  This kind letter was sent to thank the school and church for our efforts.

Children from our school take food items to Oswestry Food Bank, following our Harvest Festival Service.

Children from our school take food items to Oswestry Food Bank, following our Harvest Festival Service.