Rabbits Homework set on 6 March 2020

To summarise the work we have been doing on shape, in maths, the children are asked to look at images of artworks made using triangles.  I would like them to create their own shape picture using triangles of different sizes, rectangles and diamond shapes.  Please colour the picture to make it more interesting.  They have been given a slip of paper with the images on – or they can access these on line following


Please also read the reading books and mark the progress in reading diaries.  Please ensure these come to school each morning.  I have set Times Tables Rock Stars practice on-line and these also need to be accessed for homework.

Please remember to bring in the homework before Tuesday of each week.

Homework to hand in before 3rd March

Please read your books and note the progress down in your reading diaries.

Please write a half-page report on the book that you are reading at the moment.  You need to include why you enjoy reading it, what type of book it is (fiction, non-fiction, adventure etc.).  Please write about the characters and the setting.

Spellings for test on Thursday 5th March


Please practice the new spellings for this week.

Year 2:                                                                                                   Year 3:

Copier copied happier happiest cried replied tried dried driest funnier Gardener gardening limited limiting offering offered benefited benefiting focused focusing


Spellings for Rabbits

I have included here a list of common exception words that the children need to learn.  They also have lists provided.  Please encourage children to read and spell out these words or to re-write them in their homework books.  Thank you.

Year 2

poor floor poor because find kind mind behind climb child children* wild most only both old cold gold hold told clothes every everybody hour even any many great break steak pretty beautiful after fast last past father

Year 3

accident(ally) actual(ly) address answer appear arrive believe bicycle breath breathe build busy/business calendar caught centre century certain circle complete consider continue decide describe different difficult disappear

Homework for Rabbits Class – Half Term February 2020

Half Term Homework  February 14th 2020

Each of you will have two sheets of Times Tables to complete please. You can also do these on TT Rock Stars.

You will also have a sheet of ‘common exception words’ that need to be copied and remembered!  I will also post these on the Spellings page.

To get us ready for next half term I would like you all to draw a picture of Charles Darwin.  I have included a picture with this work but they can find alternative images from the internet or some books.  If the children are in Shrewsbury, there is a statue of Darwin outside the library.  Please be adventurous and use colour to add to the picture.

Happy Half Term!



Homework set on 6th February – for handing in by Tuesday 11th February

Homework this week will support our Guided Reading.  We are looking at the similarities between Fairy Stories and stories from other countries.  We have looked at the objects that appear in more than one story.  I would like the children to make an object from one of the stories.  This might be a spinning wheel (from Rumplestiltskin and Sleeping Beauty) or a magic wand.  They might try to make a particular object from one story such as Cinderella’s slipper or a bowl of porridge!

Maths Focus Day – DIVISION – Friday 7th February

On Friday 7th, Ruyton will be taking part in a Maths Focus Day – we are doing many different maths-based activities in school and would like the children to bring with them a numbered T Shirt or top.  They must be in school uniform but can put a shirt over the top.  Please do not go to any expense, we will also have numbers that we can pin on to the children’s school jumpers if they cannot find an alternative top.  Football shirts with numbers are a great idea.