Rabbits Home Learning Activities for Friday 27th March

Good morning Rabbits and Happy Friday to you all.  I hope you are all keeping well and keeping busy.  From the lovely photographs you have sent in, it looks like you are having a lot of fun at home and enjoying yourselves.

I have put some more activities on MyMaths and Education City for you.  I have tried to vary the activities and games to make it more fun.


Education City plus fill in your diary please.  It might also be nice to get a piece of paper and a pencil (or pen) and write a letter to the person who has been learning with you this week, either your parent or other adult.  Write a little note to thank them for all the things that they have helped you to do this week.  Remember the date at the top and your address!


The MyMaths tasks are a little bit easy today, but it is also good for you to remember how to do simple tasks.  Try to keep up your scores.  Also, can you remember how we talked about all the maths that we do every day without realising?  Think about telling the time, seeing how long something lasts, how long until your favourite TV show starts or what time you go to bed and get up – how many hours sleep do you get?  Try some ‘real maths’ at home today.  How many shapes can you see in your kitchen?


Joe Wicks is proving to be really popular so keep on with that!


I hope you are able to snuggle up with a good book – I have read almost half of my book so far!  Go and look at Reading Eggs and Eggspress for the choice of books that I have found – they are myths and mysteries and all rather good.


Please do your best writing when you are filling in your diary or writing that letter.  If you have coloured pens you could decorate your writing, making big capital letters and colouring them in using patterns.  Have some fun.

Most Important is have a lot of fun doing your activities.  Enjoy the weather and be nice to one another!  Take care and have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Cooke

Rabbits home activities for Thursday 26th March

Good Morning Rabbits – how lovely to see some photographs of the things that you have been doing.  I really loved the shields and castles.  How creative you are!  I am also so impressed with your my maths.  Goodness me, some of you are getting 100% each time.  I have set you some more fun things today but if that sun is still shining, make sure you get outside too!


Some MyMaths tasks are set.  Also, we would be doing fractions next week – I have set tasks but it might be more fun to do some ‘sharing’ to find fractions of amounts.  I am sure you can find things at home – lego bricks, raisins, marbles etc and share between different numbers of your teddy bears or toys.  Keep track of how many toys get how many items.  Baking is also great for working out fractions – dividing your mixture between 8 people for example will give you 1/8 of the amount.


I hope you are all writing up your diary.  I am sure you have some lovely things to write about each day.  Don’t forget I love pictures too.  Education City has tasks set for your and it is always good to listen to stories.  Have a look at the podcast by David Walliams each day.


You have some spellings on your list.  Keep on with these and then I will set some more words for next week.  I thought you might like some Easter themed words and some Spring time words.  Have a look for those on Monday.


I see you have been busy making lovely castles and items from the theme on Shrewsbury Castle.  Don’t forget you could build a castle den and show me the results.


Please, please, please keep on with your reading.  I was out in my garden today reading a book that I have wanted to read for ages.  Get out in that sunshine or lounge about on the sofa with a great book.  You could read it to a teddy bear if your adults are busy.  Reading Eggs and Reading Eggspress have some books and activities.  There are class books set for you all to read and discuss later.


I hope you were able to do the Joe Wicks exercise – I was pretty tired out after that this morning.  I did a lot of gardening afterwards which is also fabulous exercise.  See if your adults have something that you can do to help get the garden ready for spring.  Maybe next week you can sort out places for Easter Egg trails?

Have a lovely day.  Let me know how you are all getting on.  Take care of yourselves and your families.

Mrs Cooke


Rabbits Class – Activities and Work for Wednesday 25th March

Good Morning Rabbits – well wasn’t the weather beautiful yesterday?  We should all be getting out into that sunshine if we can.  Even my cat decided to go on a small walk around the garden yesterday!

I have put some more activities for you on Education City and MyMaths.  You are doing so well with these, congratulations!

Grammar and Writing

Education City has some more tasks and activities.  If you want to continue writing up your ‘work at home diary’ that would be good.  I would like to hear about the things you are doing while we are away from class.  Remember to include pictures or drawings if you can.


My Maths tasks are set for the next day.  I am working you though your addition and subtraction to begin with – we will then be ready for fractions just before the Easter holidays begin.


Now is the perfect time to get outside with a good book and get yourselves lost in the story.  I have put up some books on Reading Eggs but you could all find yourselves something at home too.  Get someone to photograph you reading somewhere ‘odd’ over the next few days.  I will do the same and share the photos with you when I can.


We are all going to try to do the Joe Wicks work-out each morning to get us all ready and raring to go.  You can find this on YouTube – we are doing this at 9.00 am for half an hour.


Keep working through the list of spellings that you have been given.  Use this to improve handwriting at the same time.

Stay safe everyone!

Missing you all,  Mrs Cooke


Stories at 11.00 am read by David Walliams

This article was published in Metro Magazine.  The link takes you to the author reading a new story each day.

“David Walliams has confirmed he will be releasing a free audio story each day for the next 30 days to help keep children entertained amid the coronavirus lockdown.  David has been recording some of his much-loved stories for them to play to their children.  He tweeted:  ‘I’ll be releasing an audio story every day for the next 30 days for free. First up is The Terrible Triplets! Enjoy. Xxx’”

Click here to listen https://bit.ly/AudioElevenses

Work and activities for Rabbits Tuesday 24th March

Good Morning Rabbits.  I hope you had a good day yesterday and you were able to enjoy the lovely sunshine as well as doing your maths on-line and some of the reading.  Well done to all of you who completed the MyMaths and TT Rockstars.


Today, I have set you some more mymaths and I will check in later to see how you are doing.


I have set some activities on Education City – I hope these work for you today.  If you have problems you could also look on twinkl as they have some on-line English activities for your year group.  Can you please start your diary?  We discussed keeping a diary of the things that you are doing each day with your family. Remember to include the date, writing it in the past tense.


The books on Reading Eggs are for our class to read and enjoy.  Could you also draw something related to the book that you are reading at the moment?

Spelling and Grammar

Spelling and grammar games are on Education City but also copy out the next column of spellings for handwriting practice today.  Can you do this short task in your home-learning book please?

Add a or an to complete the sentences. 

I would like _____ unicorn, please. I have got a bike and _____ helmet.
It is such _____ shame! It was _____ exciting moment.
Can I have _____ extra go? There’s _____ huge elephant!


As you know so much about castles now, I would like you to have a go at your project.  I sent home with you some pictures of weapons, clothing and food from the Medieval time and asked you to prepare a booklet of information, drawings and facts.  Please also think about making a castle model out of household things – we talked about making battlements and dens or creating castles from boxes and kitchen equipment.  Ask your parents first!  Take photos for me and you can send them to my email address.

Keep busy – keep happy and keep well!  I miss you all.

Mrs Cooke

School Work for Rabbits Class Monday 23rd March

Good Morning Rabbits.   I hope that you all had a chance to get out into the sunshine over the weekend and kept yourselves busy.

These are today’s home learning tasks…


Please copy out a row of spellings from the sheet that I gave to you last week.  You should write each word three times.  Check for the best writing – repeat that one more time.  Remember please long and short letters must look different!


Please try the tasks set on My Maths. There are plenty of tasks to keep you busy.


Grammar and Punctuation

I have set up a range of activities on Education City.  Work through these to improve your English please.



I have set up a few great books that you can read on reading eggs.  One is a class book for us all to enjoy together.  You can also do your own reading progress on reading eggs.



I have set up a few maths activities on Education City.  You should then do your house tournament on TT Rockstars – try your best to help your house win!



Make sure that you also get some exercise! There are lots of videos out there on YouTube to help you keep active but also try to get outside as well. Go for a walk or for a bike ride to get some fresh air. The forecast is looking great this week so make the most of it!

For later in the day please have a look at the grid that we have set up across the school if you would like some practical or project work to do. Choose 1 from the grid to keep yourself busy with over the next couple of days.



More activities and learning tasks will be set each day. Keep yourselves busy and keep yourselves well.  Don’t forget to have fun with your activities.  Get creative and see if you can build or make something later on today.  Keep photographs for us to share when we are all back together again.

More to do on-line tomorrow.

Mrs Cooke

A Prayer for these difficult times

Kate Gregory has written this prayer for us all and we wanted to share it with our school community.

Dear Lord,

The world feels a strange place right now.

Our classrooms are empty and it is hard to play with our friends.

At this time, please look after my friends, my family and the people in our community who live on their own.

Help us to remember that you are always there and that one day this will pass.


Up-dated information from Autism West Midlands

Please see the information below sent by AWM

Autism West Midlands will continue to offer advice appointments and support throughout the ongoing outbreak over the phone and via email.  Parents and carers can contact our small team directly as follows;

Mon, Tue, Weds              = Wendy Cowton            07900784186

Weds, Thu, Fri                  = Emma Hegenbarth       07881109480

Email                                   = shropshire@autismwestmidlands.org.uk


During this unpredictable and unsettling period we can offer guidance around;

  • Supporting children who are anxious and upset about the virus
  • Coping with change and uncertainty
  • Suggestions to keep them active and engaged


With the schools closing, and people becoming more isolated we know that such support will be essential for families.