Some examples of Rabbits keeping busy at home

Thank you to all of the families who have sent in some wonderful pictures showing how busy you are at home.  Here are a few from yesterday and today…

Ella has been really busy with lots of lovely activities.


Mia wrote a letter to Captain Tom Moore – what a lovely idea Mia!

Mia Captain Tom

And some home-made play dough!

Mia playdough

She also made a beautiful poster – well done Mia.

MIa's sign

Andreas’ picture of Earth …

Amber has produced some super artwork.


Keep them coming everyone!

Rabbits Home Learning for Wednesday 22nd April

Good morning Rabbits and I hope you have taken time to look out of the window at the beautiful sunny day that we have today.

Some of you were having trouble with Education City yesterday and I cannot find out what is wrong – so for today I have set work on different sites to enable you all to keep busy.

English:  Please access BBC Bitesize.  Click on Year 2 or Year 3 and do the English lesson that is prepared for you.

Maths: I have had great feedback about the WhiteRose maths programme – please do today’s lesson from their website.  You still have work set on Mymaths if you wish to do more, or you have any problems with the WhiteRose.  Both sites are working on the same topics.

Spellings: Please remember to copy out your spellings each day.  I have listed them below just to remind you.  Maybe you could copy them out in different ways – use different colours and see how many times you can get the one word written into a shape on the page.  Have some fun with it – but check you are spelling the words correctly!

Year 2: enjoyment sadness careful playful plainness argument merriment happiness plentiful cheerful

Year 3: library February dictionary boundary salary summary primary secondary ordinary necessary

I always remember to spell necessary with this saying “never eat chocolate eat salmon sandwiches and remain young”

Project: More pages for your newspaper.  Yesterday, I asked you to draw a globe – a view of Earth.  Today, I want you to do some detective work and look at the temperatures that are around the world.  These will be shown in numbers and placed over the countries.  Please look at the temperature map below and see if you can compare the temperatures to the places on the map.  With your own globe, put a small triangle on each of the countries and write on the temperature that might be typical in that area.

Map showing global monthly land surface temperature from Envisat’s AATSR for July 2006. Source: University of Leicester.

You could also look at this website to help you.

Reading:  Reading Eggs and Eggspress have some tasks for you to do with comprehension and reading.  I have also included this link for you to use.  this page offers readings by Cressida Cowell – How To Train Your Dragon – and other reading activities.

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Cooke



Rabbits Class home learning Tuesday 21st April

Good Morning Rabbits!  Welcome back to day 2 of the Summer Term.  I really loved seeing the work that some of you have been doing both yesterday and over the Easter holidays.

For today, I have been looking at the many activities and games that are now on line for you.  For this morning, I would like you to do the following:

English:  BBC Bitesize – there is a great grammar game called The Crystal Explorers.  Click on and follow the links through daily lessons to the game.  It will test your knowledge of all or the grammar facts that you should know!  See how you get on.

English: Can you continue your newspaper by writing a letter to the editor, (I know you are also the editor but your letter can be written as another person).  You need to begin the letter “Dear Sir,” and then write about all of the amazing changes that you can see outside.  You might be going for a daily walk, or you might have a garden that you can spend time in and see what flowers are now in bloom or what animals you can see.  Write your letter to tell the editor all about the changes you have seen whilst being at home.  Sign the letter “Yours faithfully,” and make up a great name for yourself.  If you are a bit stuck – I have attached a guideline for your: Letter to Editor

Maths: I have set some tasks on Mymaths and also Education City. These are smaller and not so time-consuming.  If you are struggling with any of these programmes there are also daily lessons on the same topic (fractions) on whiterose maths, many of you are having some issues opening these sites at the moment.

Reading: Reading Eggs and ReadingEggspress are loaded with good books for you all to work through.  Don’t forget to read actual books!  Now is a good time to see if your family have any books on garden birds or trees and plants to help you identify the species that you see in your surroundings.

Project: I would like you to have a go at drawing the globe – the sphere that we call Earth!  You might like to look at these images to help you.   This shows Africa, Arabia and a bit of the south of the UK if you look carefully!

This shows North and South America

See how well you can draw the image, you might draw around a side plate to get the perfect circle and then use your best judgement about how to draw the continents.

When you have drawn your globe you can colour it and keep it safe for tomorrow  –  We will be using it for a weather report!

Have a super day and email me with any problems.

Mrs Cooke x


Spellings for Rabbits w/c Monday 20th April

Spelling for Year 2 are:

enjoyment sadness careful playful plainness argument merriment happiness plentiful cheerful

Spellings for Year 3 are:

library February dictionary boundary summary salary secondary primary ordinary necessary

Please copy these out into your books.  Practice each work 3 times and use this as handwriting practice. On Wednesday, test yourself reading the word, covering it up and then writing it.  Test your spellings at the end of the week with help from an adult or older person.

Rabbits Class Home Learning For Monday 20th April

Welcome back to the Summer Term everyone!  I hope you had a wonderful Easter and were able to get out into the sunshine and have fun with your family.  Well we are back to work today and we have some great things that we are going to study while you are at home.

Maths: The clever people from White Rose Maths have put together a wonderful day by day maths class. You need to log on to (for year 3 pupils) and if you are in year 2.  Then continue to follow the clicks to the correct day and follow instructions to complete the maths lessons.

English: I have set up some daily lessons on Education City – these will help you with a range of the English tasks this week and will be a different task each day to cover your comprehension, writing and grammar.  Work through the tasks set for Monday 20th only please.

Reading: I have put up some new resources on Reading Eggs – we would like to start using a new reading website – if you could contact me by email I can let you have your log-in and you can start working on the new set of books that are set for each of you.

Project: As we are back to work today I would also like you to begin a newspaper of your own.  Each day of this week I would like you to add an article to the paper and you will be either writing or drawing a chart, graph or weather map.  Today, I would like your first article to be written about the changes in the environment due to the lock-down.  You can write the report with a headline – a sub-heading and then the information that you can discover from looking at these suggested websites:

Other sites show pictures of the clear skies, and clean water in canals – you might also discover something about your local environment, are there more birds singing?  Do you notice the blossom more that you normally would?  You might be able to take photos of your own environment as a picture in your newspaper.

Enjoy your research and look out for some different tasks tomorrow.

Welcome Back!  Mrs Cooke


Recorder Lessons on Line

Mrs Hindson has sent the following link to enable year 3 to continue learning their recorders during the shut-down.

1.Go to and log in.

2.Enter your own username and password

3.Once logged in, there are two icons

Blown away. This is for Year 3 pupils.

Click on this. Learn to play each of the pieces in order and move on at your own pace when you are ready

Easter Activities

During the Easter Holidays, teachers will not be posting on a daily basis specific work for pupils, however you could look back and complete activities which you may have missed or not had time to do!

Furthermore, you could try out these suggested activities:

  • Watch a ‘Virtual Church Service’ from Holy Trinity Church in Shrewsbury (Sunday 10.30am) –
  • Complete some Easter Activities kindly sent to us by the Lichfield Diocese Easter home pack
  • It’s a great time to learn how to do Sudoku –
  • Continue reading plenty of books and write a book review. You could use these to help you: KS1 Review or Lower KS2 or Upper KS2
  • Use nRich to find maths problems for all ages (parents included!)
  • Now the weather is finally warming up, you could explore your garden (or when on a daily walk) and find mini-beasts! Make a record of what you find! Could you make a house for them? Write a report about them!
  • Find the oldest item in your house (no – not your parents!) and find out where it came from, why your family now has it and how old it is!
  • Ask your parents if you can help with preparing meals – could you write instructions how to do it?
  • Draw a picture of what you want to be when you grow up!
  • Make a model from your recycling bin! You might find an idea here:
  • Take a daily star jump (or sit-ups or shuttle runs or burpees) challenge! Count how many you can do in a minute on Day 1, then repeat every day. Do you get fitter? Can you do more each day? Older pupils could draw a bar chart to show their results!
  • Build a shelter in your garden! It could be for you, your parents/carers or even for your favourite teddy!
  • Access some really interesting resources and ideas with Nat Geo Kids
  • Take a virtual tour of the National History Museum

Have a great Easter

Rabbits Class Virtual PSHE Lesson

I asked the Rabbits to spend the time thinking about their classmates and to create a drawing of rabbits to represent each of the class members.  They have also added some words to describe each of their friends.  These lovely pictures were sent by Andreas, Ella and Harrison this morning.  Thank you for doing such a lovely task to keep in contact with your classmates.  Added to this is Amber’s lovely picture.

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