Hedgehog Class

We have had a great day in Hedgehog Class today with Forest School and PE this afternoon! Please can I remind parents that the children’s clothes, wellies and shoes should all be labelled – there was some confusion today with what belonged to who. We want to make sure that we are doing our best to send the right equipment home with the right children.

Many thanks,

Mrs Farmer

Looking for Nature

Our topic in RE this term is “Creation – Who made the World?” Today we started talking about the Bible story of Creation. We went to look outside for signs of nature. We were fantastic at spotting various things such as birds, flowers, trees, grass, the sky and different animals.


Stone Pit

As we head into the new term, we would like to revamp our stone area in the Early Years outdoor area to improve the children’s learning environment. If you have any gravel or chippings that you no longer need or want, please could you let myself or Mrs Johnson know?

Thank you

Hedgehog Class

I hope that you have all had a fantastic summer break and are looking forward to the new term ahead! I just wanted to let the parents of children in Hedgehog Class know that we will be attending forest school next Wednesday morning (5th September). Please send your child to school dressed in their forest school kit with their school uniform in a bag to change into later. We also need adult volunteers to come up to the forest school site with us. If you are able to spare some time on a Wednesday morning (it doesn’t have to be every week!), please let me or the school office know as soon as possible.


Mrs Farmer