Road Safety Awareness Week

This morning, Ray Hughes came in to talk to the children about road safety awareness week. This year the theme is bike safety.


We talked about the benefits of riding our bikes such as enjoyment and improving our fitness. One of the children in dragonfly class even spoke about the fact that using our bikes is eco friendly!


Sometimes, adults and children ride their bikes near to a busy road or down a country lane. Ray spoke to us about making sure that we are aware of our surroundings when riding our bikes near to or on a road. We need to watch out for cars, lorries, tractors and other road users! He said that we must check that both of our breaks on our bikes are working so that we can stop quickly and safely if we need to.

We had a practise at doing a stop, look, listen to make sure that it is safe to cross.



We also discussed that it is now autumn and nearly winter and therefore it gets dark earlier. Ray showed us his fluorescent jacket that he and his dog wears when they go for a walk.


Ray showed us the various reflectors that we have on our bikes and helmets too. All of these things help us to be more visible to other road users. He told us a story about when he fell off his bike on the road. He landed on his head but he was wearing his helmet which was fitted and secured properly. It saved his life!


Ray then dressed Eva up in lots of reflective clothing so that we could see how much more visible she is in the light and the dark!

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Some of the classes are now looking forward to their session with Ray later in the day!


Tomorrow is the Hindu festival of Diwali. This afternoon, hedgehog class have been busy learning about why and how Hindu people celebrate Diwali. Have a look at our pictures below to see what we have been up to…


Head teacher awards

Well done to Percy, Skyler and Charley who all received headteacher awards for fantastic maths work today. Not only were they all able to complete addition questions, they were able to create their own and record them!

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2D shape

In maths this week, we have been learning about 2D shapes. We learnt the names of some common 2D shapes and how many sides and corners each one has. One of the activities that we did this week was going on a 2D shape hunt. We looked for lots of different shapes in our environment. Here’s what some of us found…


Forest school

Last week at forest school one of the children brought in a leaf identification fan so this week we decided to do a session on leaf identification for the whole class. Each group had their own leaf identification chart and went on a leaf hunt. Afterwards they matched the leaves that they had found to the leaves on their charts and wrote a label for them. Later on Kris our forest school leader lit a fire and we all got to toast our own marshmallows on it. They went down very well with a cup of hot chocolate!


Missing Jumper!

To all parents of Hedeghog Class…

We are currently missing a child’s jumper. Please could you check all of the uniform that you have at home to make sure that you have the correct jumpers and cardigans? This child does have her name on the label. A polite reminder again that all uniform and equipment that you send in with your child is clearly labelled.

Many thanks,

Mrs Farmer

D & T

As part of our year 1 work on Eat More Fruit and Vegetables for Design and Technology, we tasted various vegetable products. We then decided which product was our favourite one. This will form part of our research for our final plans.
