Learning New Skills!

Throughout this term, the children in Hedgehog Class will be tracking the growth of buds from various trees at our forest school site. To ensure that they continue to monitor the same bud, they have made their own labels using wood. Under close supervision, the children learnt to use a saw and a drill to make their wooden labels. They were excited this week to find that some of their buds had changed already!CE93B550-201E-469E-8268-FD98A3C3577B 131BEE08-9259-4E78-995E-6717993EB47E 6702F86E-9A30-4364-95F3-247617472A03 8F1597E5-3B3B-4471-8D2B-D27F718AE1E1 E0EE41CA-40BB-44FC-B590-8397FFA3EFB2 AC0F1CB4-2482-4AC2-A833-34A72F94A90E

Floating and Sinking

Throughout this term, hedgehog class will be building boats which will be put into the river to compete in a boat race in towards the end of term. To start our work on this we spent some time yesterday looking at floating and sinking so that we can make good choices when choosing materials to make our boats with.

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Hedgehog Homework Reminder

Just a polite reminder to parents of children in Hedgehog Class that homework should be given in every Monday unless otherwise stated please. It is important that the children regularly complete their homework to support their learning in class and hand it in on time so that staff have time to mark their books before handing them back out on a Wednesday.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Farmer


Today in Science, we were carrying on with our work on investigating the properties of everyday materials. Mrs Farmer gave us some magnets and we started our session by investigating which objects and materials in our classroom are magnetic and which ones are not…

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Then we were set a challenge… We had to get the paperclip out of the jug of water without getting our hands wet. It was quite tricky but we worked it out eventually!





Finally, we had to design and make our own game using what we have learnt. Our only specific instruction was that we had to use magnetic materials.


Junk Modelling

This afternoon, Hedgehog Class have been busy making jellyfish from junk modelling materials. We had been learning about what Christians believe about God which incorporated the story of Creation. We chose jellyfish as one of the many creatures that Christians believe God created and tried to create our own. A few of us were surprised that when we created an animal, it didn’t start moving and breathing!


Christmas at forest school!

Hedgehogs have just arrived back from a fantastic forest school session where we were busy making a Christmas tree from sticks that we found in the woods. Kris brought some Christmas lights with him as well. We held a Hedgehog Class Christmas light switch on! Here we are with our finished tree…


A Frosty Morning!

First thing this morning we went outside to explore the frost and ice.

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We found some ice in our water tray outside. We noticed that it started melting when we held it in our hands.

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We also made some “frost angels”.


Then we thought about where the frost would melt the quickest. First we stood where we thought it would melt the quickest and then we talked about how the sun would melt the frost quicker as it would be warmer in those places. Then we moved to where we thought it would melt the quickest using our new knowledge. See if you can spot the difference in our photos below!
