Japanese Biscuit Making

We have had a great week so far for our school Arts Week. This week our topic is Japan due to the rugby World Cup being based there later this year. Over the last 2 days we have baked some biscuits and decorated them just like the children do in Japan on 5th May every year for children’s day…


Forest School

Last week at forest school the children made some nettle nippers using sticks they found in the woods with Kris. Today, they were able to use them to pick the very tops of the nettles without stinging themselves. When we had collected lots of them, we washed them all really carefully. Then we helped Kris to cut up some onions,leeks and carrots and boiled them in our pan over the campfire. When we added the nettles in, they made a sizzling sound! We put lots of nettle tops in but after a couple of minutes they had reduced down a lot! Then Kris used a blender to make the soup smoother and added some cream. We all got to try a bit of the soup with some bread. Most of us thought that it was really yummy!




Last week the year 1s really enjoyed getting out into our reflective garden to do some observational drawings of plants and flowers. They were also busy learning about the names of the different parts of the plants and their jobs.

Sunny Weather

Now that the warmer weather has arrived, Hedgehog Class have been learning about how to stay safe in the sun. As the children spend a lot of time outside, please can we remind parents that they should apply sun cream before coming to school. They will also need to bring a sun hat in to protect their head.800px_COLOURBOX2255073

Acton Scott Farm

Hedgehog Class really enjoyed their class trip to Acton Scott Farm on Tuesday. To start the day, they participated in a workshop led by the staff at the farm. Their task was to go around the farm looking for food for Simon the ploughman’s lunch. We found lots of surprises including eggs hiding underneath some of the hens, milk that we turned into butter and we even got some flour out of the wheat!

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Simon said that he really enjoyed eating his lunch! After eating our own lunches, we were able to explore the farm ourselves. Here are a few photos of what we saw…

C4BC1F51-F31F-4049-A1D9-61D5739CC9A3 0082164A-A51F-43FD-8CE1-28F1DAED3142 40275001-D8F8-4B1F-8C64-27014B0A49EB 41CA3546-413B-4256-AB81-81D6024B7BF2 B92B7BB4-7470-447A-83DE-7B29B9F2E5BB 2422DDE2-7A5D-4000-867E-C61B2547B91F 54FCC946-8195-4C4F-A122-E11F23F07BFF A2B95757-CDBF-4980-B749-9CBCDB7BF489 AB74703C-4306-462A-9154-447F8797CD64 00A6D2E9-7064-4C1B-AE17-4C07D2B0101F

We had a really super day and the children were all exceptionally well behaved!


Hedgehog Class Boat Race!

Hedgehog Class and some of their parents/grandparents thoroughly enjoyed our class boat race down the River Perry last week (despite the weather!). Kris brought his canoe with him so that we could retrieve the boats from the river as the children were very concerned about littering! Most of the boats made it back although the children were surprised to find that there boats were no longer in perfect condition following their race. The children enjoyed cheering their boats on and were really pleased for Bella as her boat won! All children and adults in Hedgehog Class have really enjoyed our topic this term and all of the work that has gone into building up to the boat race.

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Easter gardens

Hedgehog Class have been learning about the Easter story over the last few weeks. Today they were making their own Easter gardens. They know that Christians make Easter gardens to remember that Jesus died on the cross and rose again. They were all fantastic at talking about the story as they made their Easter gardens!


Easter Eggs!

The children had another great forest school session yesterday at the Drumbles. Mrs Farmer had been to collect some eggs. Kris set up a tripod and boiled some water over our camp fire. We then had to boil our eggs for 10 minutes! When they were done, we set them aside to cool a little. After that we put either stickers or elastic bands around the eggs to make crosses on them to remind us of the Easter story. We then dipped them in food colouring. Then we got to eat them!


Boat race preparations

Today the children in Hedgehog Class were busy testing their boats in our water tray to make sure that they would float and stay upright when put on the water. Some were successful on their first attempt however some needed a few minor alterations. The children showed great determination and some super problem solving skills putting everything that they have learnt about materials into practise.CF1D1CAA-A192-4AFD-91E7-549A627FBE79