Homework – 04.12.19

4th December 2019 – Homework – This week in RE we have started our “Why is Christmas important to Christians?” topic. We went for a walk around the school building to look for signs of Christmas. Your task this week is to look for signs of Christmas at home and when you are out and about. You can take photos of what you have seen and write about it if you wish. If you are in Reception, you could upload what you have done onto Tapestry. Don’t forget about your reading and reading eggs as well.

Homework – 27.11.2019

27th November 2019 – Homework – Over the last couple of weeks, we have been looking at the weather in class and up at forest school. Your task this week is to complete the weather chart below. We will repeat this throughout the year and when we get to the end of the summer term, we will compare the weather charts from different points in the year.


Homework – 20.11.19

Your homework this week is based on the phonics that we have been doing in class. Your sheets that are relevant to your learning are stuck in your books ready for you. Please don’t forget to carry on practising your reading and you can also access reading eggs whenever you like 😊