Homework – 05/02/2020

5th February 2020 – Homework – We have been learning all about materials and their properties in our science work. Year 1, please complete your sheets below and Reception please choose at least 1 activity from your sheet to complete. This can be recorded on Tapestry if you like.

Homework – 15th January 2020

15th January 2020 – Homework – This week your homework is to create a project based on winter. It’s a little hard to find signs of winter at the moment with the weather being so mild but you could create a project based on what winter would usually look like! Paintings, collages, information books, videos etc. are all welcome as always! You can have 2 weeks to do this so your homework will be due back in on Monday 27th January 2020.

Homework – 18.12.19

18th December 2019 – Homework – Your homework for the Christmas holidays is to have a wonderful time with your family and friends! It would be great for you to carry on with your reading as normal and if you have time, please log on to reading eggs. I hope that you all have a lovely Christmas and a well-earned break. See you all in 2020.