Weekly Celebrations 11th January

Worship Council led our first Celebration Assembly of 2019 this morning.

Acorn Awards

Our Acorn Tree is ready to be filled with all the achievements of the children in the Spring Term ahead. Congratulations to Coton Blue Team who won the House Points Award for Autumn Term and enjoyed a ‘Tob Table’ dinner before Christmas. Who will win the Spring award?

This week’s winners…

Amelia & Alex (Hedgehogs) – for super writing

Andreas – for being helpful

Toby – for setting an example with his work

Abbie – for confidence and great progress this week

Dominic – for being such a hard worker all week

Arthur L – for fantastic, hard work in spellings each day

Ellie G – for a wonderfully positive attitude in all aspects of school life

Luana – for showing friendship and helping four friends with their coats at Forest Schools

Ella – for showing wisdom and hope, creating a Rabbit Class New Year’s Resolution poster

Esmer – for persevering in completing her work quicker

Children in Need

Fun & Games School Council celebrated receiving a certificate from Children in Need following their fundraising efforts in Autumn Term. It confirmed a whopping £292.15 had been raised! Well done to all the children for a great effort.


Happy New Year Dragonflies!

Welcome back to our new term; I hope you’ve had a relaxing and fun-filled Christmas holidays. We have a jam-packed term ahead – please see our new plan below which shows the breadth of learning we will be doing through our in-depth exploration of this term’s topic: Polar Explorers.

Today we’ve welcomed a new pupil to class, Jack, who all the children were excited to meet.  In other information for the term, PE will continue to be on a Monday and Tuesday but please ensure kit remains in school for the week. As a reminder, homework is usually given out by Wednesday each week and is due in on the following Tuesday. Daily reading at home with an adult and daily multiplication tables practise is invaluable to every child’s learning and both will be a focus Spring term. Thank you.

Curriculum Map Spring 19

Christmas Party – food contributions

Just to clarify that children should be bringing a contribution of party food to share (only small amounts as they will already have had lunch). We’re aware that there was some confusion at home time today and we are not doing ‘own plates’ this year; please stick to plans in original parent letter.

Also please make sure children bring their party clothes with them to get changed at lunch time.

Thank you!

Weekly celebrations: Performances, Golden Book, Values, Fundraising & the Sheila Fields Award

Today we celebrated the KS1 children and their brilliant performance of Ralph the Reindeer; Hedgehog and Rabbit classes did a super job – we are very proud of you.

The children have given us plenty of cause for celebration this week…

Acorn Awards

Grace & Oliver – super singing in the Christmas play practise

Max E – joining in with the Christingle Nativity so creatively!

Lucy & Amber – for practising so hard for their speaking role in the Christmas play

Arthur – for showing courage in performing in front of others

Bonnie – for courage in performing as Rudolph

Jessie – fantastic work in the Nativity practise

Darran – for helping put the stage away

Grace – for reciting a beautiful prayer before our Christmas Dinner

Rabbit Class – for showing all the school values whilst practising in the school play

Hedgehog & Rabbit Class – for making us so proud in their performance for Christmas

Golden Book

Congratulations to the following children for earning a new award in the Golden Book:

Jess M –  21st Award (Gold Badge)

Sam M – 14th Award

Darran – 11th Award

The Woodland Project

A beautiful handmade Christmas card was shared from Hope House who wrote to say thank you for raising £550 for their special charity. Well done St John’s!

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Ellie Gittins: Sheila Fields Award

We were very proud to share Ellie Gittins earning the Sheila Fields Award from Baschurch Tennis Club for “good manners, helping others and being an all round lovely human!” We are so proud of you Ellie!

Oli Ward also received an award from Baschurch Tennis Club for ‘Most Improved Player’. Well done Oli!


Weekly celebrations

Worship Council led our Celebrations this morning.


Acorn Awards

Owen – for brilliant diligence every morning in setting up worships

Billy – for showing diligence and responsibilty around the school

Luana – for always trying her best in everything

Amelia – kindness, friendship and understanding

Katie – for brilliant determination in maths lessons

Abbie – for putting others first and showing brilliant kindness

James – perseverance in getting his handwriting neat

Esme – for being helpful towards others

Zac – effort in singing for the Christmas play

Bella – for always being ready to learn

Lowri – determination and perseverance in maths plus being super helpful towards others

Max CM – work effort in maths and RE

Gold Award for P

Golden Book

Congratulations to Henry for earning his 20th Award in the Golden Book!

Poppy Fundraising

We celebrated raising £97.21 for the British Legion Poppy Appeal; a fundraising effort we are very proud of.

Sportshall Athletics

Our athletics teams were congratulated for a brilliant effort at the Sportshall even last week. The Girls team came 2nd whilst the Boys team have won a place at the North Shropshire Finals! Superstars.


A huge well done to our hockey team who fought hard at a tough competition at the Corbet school, finishing 3rd! Well done team.

Gold Award for PE and Sport

Finally, Miss Whit was very proud to present the children with their Gold Award for 2017-18 from the School Games initiative. This is our gold award ‘hat-trick’! Well done to all the children for the continued effort they give to sport in our school – we couldn’t be any prouder of you all.



Weekly celebrations!

Weekly Awards

Harvey: for trying so hard to write more

Abbie: for showing respect at all times in her school day

Tyler: perseverance in handwriting

Andreas: love and kindness towards friends

Zac: love towards others

Amy: for showing improved determination

Lucy H: for excellent writing

Liam: for good effort on the class trip

Lowri: excellent perseverance

Hannah: working hard to improve writing

Ella: super effort in maths

Oliver: for taking good care of our class

Maya: for showing fantastic friendship to younger children

Golden Book

Congratulations to the following children for earning their Golden Book award from a culmination of Class Stars…

Izzy – 16th Award

Xenia – 11th Award

Max – 21st Award and Golden Star Badge

Arthur – 16th Award

Cross Country Celebrations

The Cross Country Team were celebrated for their participation, determination and achievements in the Corbet Cross country league. Congratulations to Billy, Oli, Ellie, Lucy, Sam, Henry, Charlie L and Amy who have earned a place in the North Shropshire Championships!

A huge three cheers also went to the swimming team for their success in the Oswestry Gala this week – local area champions!

Children in Need

All the children were congratulated for having such a brilliant disco, bake sale and charity effort this year. A whopping £292.15 was raised! Well done everyone.