The Dragonfly Camping Challenge

As part of our Polar Explorers topic and Mental Health Awareness Week, Dragonfly Class were challenged to overcome an unusual team mission: could they work together to construct a tent? Perseverance, patience and determination were the key values of the day – the children also had a glimpse of just what it takes to be a polar explorer like Captain Scott, with many agreeing that his mission was far trickier than they first realised!

Thank you to the Collins and Beddoes families for lending the tents.

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Weekly Celebration Assembly led by Worship Council


Rhys V – for careful effort in maths, striving for the correct answer!

David B – for consistently good homework, repeating his My Maths homework until he understood it

Lily (Hedgehogs) – extra effort

Harvey D- for much neater work

Reuben – for good problem solving

Alfie GP – for good effort in RE work

Zac – for practising spellings

James T – for good computing work

Han C – Maths progress

Lottie – for progress in maths


Showing Values

Amelia – showing trust and honesty

Luana, Eva – caring for Bella when she was hurt

Golden Book

Elsa – 15th Award

Jess M – 23rd Award


New Dinner Equipment

Our brilliant school cook, Paula, presented the children with their new plates and bowls for Dragonfly and Owl Class, with thanks to the Friends for this donation. The children can’t wait to use them!


Tag Rugby

The Tag Rugby Team were celebrated for their brilliant achievements this week, coming 2nd in the large schools Tag Rugby competition.

Next week: football vs Myddle and North Shropshire Netball Competition.

Tag Rugby Superstars

A huge WELL DONE to our Tag Rugby team who competed in the Large Schools North Shropshire Competition  at Oswestry Rugby Club today. We are thrilled to announce that they won 2nd place!

This is a brilliant achievement for our small school, just missing out to Market Drayton primary.

The results:

Market Drayton 4-3 loss

Welshampton 3-3 draw

Whitchurch – 5-3 win

Whittington – 8-3 win

The team improved as the morning went on, earning awards for all the sports values from other coaches for determination, honesty, respect, passion and self-belief. We were very proud to receive a whole-team award for “teamwork” from Whittington Primary.

Congratulations  to Billy, Will, Max, Darren, Oli, Henry, Rory, Lottie, Ellie and Ffion. Miss Whit was a very proud teacher to be coaching such a dedicated team who showed brilliant sportsmanship!B941CEDF-0D78-47A8-ABBD-32976793F61C B95A82B5-3332-4177-A3E2-DE4218EB2863


Weekly Celebrations

Worship Council led our Celebrations this morning where we enjoyed a hall full of children in hats as part of our Wear a Hat for Harry charity day!


Lowri – fantastic adventure story

Maisie – effort in English

Alex (Hedgehogs) – super attitude

Harvey (Hedgehogs) – great reading

Max & Arthur (Rabbits) – Maths problem solving

Arthur (Owls) – Maths problem solving

Max (Owls) – hard work in maths

Chloe (Dragonflies) – for great positivity in all she does

Jamie (Dragonflies) – for working extra hard in his writing

Ameila – for respect and friendship carrying things to Forest School

Sportshall Athletics

Well done to our Boys Athletics team who represented the Baschurch area in the North Shropshire level of competition. Max, Oli, Will, Billy, Rory, Sam, Henry made us very proud!

The boys competed brilliantly against much larger primary schools and had a great experience! The relays were gripping and our boys had some close finishes. Good luck to Market Drayton who go through to the next level for North Shropshire.

Golden Book

Katie Bennett – 12th Award


Awards – Bronze Awards in Drumming

Akex Watson

Charlie Lister

Charlie Piangnee

Arthur Doran

Jamie Collins


Wear A Hat for Harry

Thank you to everyone for their support today in wearing hats and raising money for Harry Banks through our Wear a Hat for Harry campaign.

Cross Country

Good luck to our runners who are participating in the North Shropshire Games today! We look forward to hearing how you get on.