Ofsted Report: Good with Outstanding features including Outstanding Early Years provision!

We are delighted to share the report following our recent Ofsted inspection (5/6th March). I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you for your help, support and dedication to enable this report to be such a super reflection of the work in our school.

I am sure you will also join me in saying a massive well done to both pupils and staff for the hard work over the past years to achieve this outcome.

As you can see, we now have a number of aspects judged outstanding – this is testament to the developments and changes which have been put in place over a number of years and again, I would like to say a big thank you to all who have shared their suggestions and worked with us to make this develop so positively for the children in our school.

Best wishes,

Julie Ball
Executive Headteacher

Ofsted Report 2019 SJTB

Red Nose Day 2019

Thank you for all the donations for Comic Relief on Friday; the school looked brilliant as a sea of red and over £105 was raised! The children were very proud to be sporting painted noses instead of plastic ones; Eco Team (school Council) thanked everyone for supporting this campaign and sharing an important message.

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Bishop Michael of Lichfield visits Ruyton

On Friday (15th March) we were honoured to welcome Bishop Michael from Lichfield Cathedral to our school. He delivered our morning Worship and spent the morning in school, meeting the children and enjoying their work.

Daniel explained, “I felt really lucky that he came to our school. His Worship story about his Bishop’s crook was so interesting!”

The Worship Council gave their thanks to Bishop Michael for taking time to visit our school and answer children’s questions.

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Red Nose Day reminder

Please remember that tomorrow (Friday) we will be supporting Comic Relief by wearing red! Fun and Games School Council have reminded children that we are encouraging painted noses instead of plastic noses to support David Attenborough’s campaign. Thank you 🙂

Our heroes

Today in Owl Class, we have been discussing who our heroes are and how they inspire us.  It was fantastic to hear the range of people (and one country) and the wonderful reasons as to why they are inspirational.  It was a lovely link to our school values too.  Here are a few examples:

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