Dragonfly Home Learning ideas 2.4.20

Good morning everyone,

Well done to those of you logging in to TT Rockstars for your house… some of the matches are looking close! Looking at it, some of you have scored massive points for your time (yes, I’m talking about the Maths Wizard and Sam!) But every little helps – Anouk, Katie, Eva – keep adding up those points like you have done this week 👏🏻

As a reminder, make sure you’re following the internet safety advice we teach and practise in school (and also shared on website).

Here are your suggested activities for the day (based on our normal Thursday timetable):

  1. Maths: Log into My Maths and complete today’s set activity (remember to aim for 100% by practising tasks if needed)
  2. English: Log into Reading Eggs and begin reading the set book.
  3. Number Gym: Can you achieve Lightning Bolt Speed and beat Bond Builder.
  4. RE: We’ve suggested making an ‘Easter project’ on your menu – you continue this or try out a new one. I’ve seen some yummy baking ideas including a non-bake cheesecake made in an Easter egg 😍

Other ideas for Thursday:

  • Music: Practise your own choice of instrument if you have one.
  • TT Rockstars:  The Inter House Tournament continues! Play ‘Battle’ to earn your team points.

Two days left of this very strange term. My daily runs / bike rides are really helping me, whilst I’m taking the chance to do things I don’t usually have time to such as playing the piano 🎹 (watch out Mrs Hindson!) I hope you’re spending time doing lots of things that make you happy too. Miss you all,

Miss Whit 🙂

Dragonfly Class – Home Learning ideas Wednesday 25th March

Good morning Dragonflies and families! It April Fools Day and I’m on red alert for any tricks! Does anyone know where the tradition comes from?

‘Joe Wicks’ workout for children continues to be very popular! You will find the work out on You Tube ‘The Body Coach’ and it starts live at 9am. Get your grown ups involved too if you can 🙂

It’s great to hear different ways you’re completing some of your lessons; Torin managed to do some fantastic extra maths with a game of Monopoly! Great idea.

Here are your suggested activities for the day (based on our normal Wednesday timetable):

  1. PSHE: Can you access the Newsround website and find 3 ‘positive’ news stories for the week? This week is ‘National Autism Week’. What can you find out about this news topic on newsround?
  2. Reading: Enjoy 20 minutes reading time (record in Reading Diary).
  3. Maths: Log into My Maths and complete today’s set activity (remember to aim for 100% by practising tasks if needed)
  4. Number Gym: Can you achieve Lightning Bolt Speed and beat Bond Builder?
  5. English: Log into Reading Eggs and complete today’s set English task.

Other ideas for Wednesday:

  • Violins: If you have your violin at home, practise. If not, do you have another instrument to play?
  • TT Rockstars:  The Inter House Tournament continues! Play ‘Battle’ to earn your team points.
  • Activity Menu: You might like to try one of the activities from your menu. 

Take care – I’m missing you all very much.

Miss Whit 🙂

Dragonfly Class Home Learning Tasks – Tuesday 31st

Happy Tuesday! Today’s activities are below. All activities will stay up for the week on My Maths and Education City in case you’ve missed the chance to complete them.

Here are your suggested activities for the day (based on our normal timetable):

  1. Reading: Enjoy 20 minutes reading time (record in Reading Diary). Challenge: a non-fiction book.
  2. Handwriting: Find a famous poem you like and copy / present it using your best handwriting.
  3. Maths: Log into My Maths and complete today’s set activity (remember to aim for 100% by practising tasks if needed)
  4. Number Gym: Can you achieve Lightning Bolt Speed and beat Bond Builder?
  5. English: Log into Reading Eggs and complete today’s set reading task.

Other ideas for Tuesday:

  • Science: Go on a sound walk and record all the sounds you can hear.
  • TT Rockstars:  The Inter House Tournament continues! Play ‘Battle’ to earn your team points.
  • Activity Menu: You might like to try one of the activities from your menu.

Take care – I’m missing you all very much.

Miss Whit 🙂


Monday (am) Dragonfly Class 30.03.20

Good morning Dragonflies!

I hope you’ve had a great weekend. I’ve been extra busy! I’ve planted a whole new hedgerow (with the help of Ginger the chicken stealing all the worms) and had two lovely runs with Briar (although she was more like ‘Captain Chaos’ – some training is required!)

I hope you’ve all had chance to check-out the TT Rockstar results? Well done to everyone who played for their team. Round Two has begun!


Here are your suggested activities for the day (based on our normal timetable):

  1. Reading: Continue with your reading book. Could you read an extra chapter today?
  2. Spellings: Choose 3 words to learn. Most of you can do this from your word lists (in Home Packs). Those of you who’ve completed these lists, find 3 new words for the day. Challenge: You could write them in a graffiti-style…
  3. Maths: Log into My Maths and complete today’s set activity (remember to aim for 100% by practising tasks if needed)
  4. English: Log into Education City and complete today’s set English task.

Other ideas for Monday:

  • PE: What’s your favourite song? Create a dance routine to it!
  • Languages (usually French): Can you find out how to say ‘thank you’ in 5 different languages? Here’s mine: “Grazie”…. But what language is this?!
  • TT Rockstars:  The Inter House Tournament Round 2 has begun! Play any game to earn your team points.
  • Activity Menu: You might like to continue of the activities from your menu.

I hope you all have a good day and don’t forget to do your bit to help at home. Remember, if there’s anything you’d like to share then you can send it to school through the school admin address.

Take care, all of you. Be safe and keep busy.

Miss Whit 🙂

Home learning fun

Morning Owls, hope you are all ok and enjoying a bit of sunshine as well as Mrs Henney’s great home learning tasks.  Here is what Jamie has been up to over the week.  Looks amazing Jamie; loving all the different sports!

Stay safe everyone.

Mrs Hollis x