Dragonfly Class – Wednesday 29th April

Well I don’t know about you but I ended up wetter than an otter’s pocket yesterday! However a little rain is much needed. I’ve learned a new word too: ‘petrichor’ which is the earthy scent when rain falls on dry soil. I wonder if you’ve smelt it?

Her are today’s learning activities:

  1. Reading:  Check out today’s activity on Reading Eggs. Also continue 20 minutes reading of your current book.
  1. Spellings: Access the link below for your year group and learn the set list. You could print the handwriting sheet OR present it in your Homework Pack.

Year 5 Spelling & Handwriting

Year 4 Spelling &Handwriting

Year 3 Spelling & Handwriting

Challenge: Can you get your words into conversations you have today?

3. Maths: Access White Rose Maths and complete the tasks for Summer Term Week 2, Day 3.

Year 5 White Rose Maths

Year 4 White Rose Maths

Remember – if you find it too tricky (or easy!) feel free to try the daily lesson from a Year 3 (or Year 5/6) page. This is completely fine to do 🙂

4. English: 

Access and follow the Bitesize links below.

Year 4 Apostrophes for Possession

Year 5 Ellipsis

Other ideas for Wednesday:

  • Make sure you get some exercise – a good walk or work out in the garden. I’ll be out for my morning run in the rain the Briar today!
  • PSHE: check out this link and activities all about teamwork.


  • Art / DT : Could you create some art / craftwork linked to nature following yesterday’s science lesson? Please send in anything you make !
  • Violins – You’d normally have violin lessons today so you could haave a practise if you have yours at home.
  • TT Rockstars:  The Inter House Tournament Round 4 continues! Play ‘Battle’ to earn your team points.

I look forward to speaking to many of you on the phone over the next few days! Don’t worry – it’s just a catch up to see how you are and if you have any requests or questions. I look forward to it!

Happy Wednesday,

Miss Whit 🙂

Rhys’ Trash free trails

Rhys in Owl Class (along with Dad and Minnie the dog) have created another brilliant YouTube video.  This time Rhys is not just showing us his skills on a bike but is highlighting the problem of littering and what we can do about it.  Take a look at an excellent video with an important message.  Super work Rhys.

Minute’s silence today

At 11am today, a one minute’s silence will be held across the country to remember all of the key workers including NHS staff, carers and transport workers that have lost their lives whilst working to keep us all safe during the COVID 19 pandemic.  I will be observing it at home with my family if you are able to do the same.

Stay safe,

Mrs Hollis


A lovely surprise for our staff!

A huge THANK YOU to whoever delivered this gift to our school entrance yesterday. It will mean the world to our teachers (I know it’s made my day!) and I’ve no doubt it will take a special place in school for many years to come as a happy memory of this strange time.

Thank you from us all.



Dragonflies – Tuesday 28th April

Good morning Dragonflies,

Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who is sending us emails and photos of what you are up to – it really helps us all stay in touch and I’ve no doubt you’re all inspiring each other at home. Check out the Facebook page too where we also share your work and members of our community are very much enjoying it – especially our previous governor, Colin Case!

Here are today’s learning activities:

  1. Reading:  20 minutes reading of your current book. If you missed it, please do make sure you tried out yesterday’s reading activity too!
  1. Spellings: Access the link below for your year group and learn the set list. You could print the handwriting sheet OR present it in your Homework Pack.

Year 5 Spelling & Handwriting

Year 4 Spelling &Handwriting

Year 3 Spelling & Handwriting

Challenge: Write a sentence using each word – make them funny if you can!

3. Maths: Access White Rose Maths and complete the tasks for Summer Term Week 2, Day 2.

Year 5 White Rose Maths

Year 4 White Rose Maths

Remember – if you find it too tricky (or easy!) feel free to try the daily lesson from a Year 3 (or Year 5/6) page. This is completely fine to do 🙂

4. English: 

Access and follow the Bitesize links below.

Year 4 Apostrophes – Toby’s going to really enjoy this! 😆

Year 5 Apostrophes

Other ideas for Tuesday:

  • PE: 9am Joe Wicks workout. 💪
  • ScienceKey Question: What is the difference between something that was alive and something that has never been alive?
  1. Start your brain THINKING by considering these questions below – we will come back to them later, but if you can, discuss them with someone for a couple of minutes each.
  • How can you work out if something is alive?
  • If a car moves, “eats” petrol and gives out exhaust gases, why isn’t it alive? If a clock moves and makes a noise, why isn’t it alive?
  • How do you know a plant is alive?
  • What do living things do?
  • What is special about things that are alive?

2.  Watch this Living Things Video Clip

3.  Explore the photos in the link below and decide: Are they alive or not? Why?

Living or Not Photos

4. Finally, explore your home and garden to find examples of things that are dead, alive or have never lived. Some ideas for recording:

  • Photographs or sketches into a sorting table
  • Make a Science Video – send it to the school if possible!
  • Table of results (or complete this one): Living things
  • If you have one, take a leaf out of Y6 Emma’s book and explore different organisms under a magnifying glass / microscope.
  • TT Rockstars:  The Inter House Tournament Round 4 continues! Play ‘Battle’ to earn your team points.

Have a great Tuesday,

Miss Whit 🙂