Dragonfly Class – Thursday 25th June

Good morning Dragonflies,

Here are today’s activities:

  1. SpellingsThis week’s lists are on the links below. Challenge: Can you create a sentence for each word?

Year 3 Spellings & Handwriting

Year 4 Spellings & Handwriting

Year 5 Spellings & Handwriting

2. Maths: White Rose Maths links can be found below. I’ve also added a block of work on My Maths for those of you who enjoy it too.



Year 3

Year 3 Video link

Y3 Lesson 4 – Parallel and perpendicular

Y3 Lesson 4 Answers – Parallel and perpendicular


Year 4

Year 4 Video Link


Y4 Lesson 4 – Four operations

Y4 Lesson 4 Answers – Four operations

Year 5

Year 5 Video Link

Y5 Lesson-4-Dividing-decimals

Y5 Lesson-4-Answers

3. Reading: Log into Reading Eggs for a book to read and complete this week. Keep reading your own books with your grown ups if you prefer!

4. English: Two options…

1) Find today’s Bitesize activity

2) Follow the link below for Lesson 4/5 of the Oak Academy lessons this week.

Lesson 4/5 Instruction Writing

Other ideas:

Here is Mrs Hindson’s weekly schedule for Music:

Music for home schooling WB June 22nd

Miss Whit 🙂

Year 6 Leaver’s photos

Hi Year 6, just a reminder following Mrs Haynes’ letter on Monday that at school tomorrow, we have a photographer coming to take individual photos of you in your hoodie to put together in a whole group photo.  If you are not in school and want to have your photo included, please ask an adult to bring you to school at 10.30am.  You may have to wait while the photos are taken outside and social distancing measures will be in place. Don’t forget your hoodie!

Mrs Hollis

Dragonfly Class – Wednesday 24th June

Good morning Dragonflies,

Remember to check out Mrs Viner’s post for Wellbeing Wednesday 😊

Here are today’s activities:

  1. SpellingsThis week’s lists are on the links below. Challenge: retest yourself and see how many you still need to master.


Year 3 Spellings & Handwriting

Year 4 Spellings & Handwriting

Year 5 Spellings & Handwriting

2. Maths: White Rose Maths links can be found below. I’ve also added a block of work on My Maths for those of you who enjoy it too.

Year 3


Year 3 Video link

Y3 Lesson 3 – Horizontal and vertical

Y3 Lesson 3 Answers – Horizontal and vertical

Year 4


Year 4 Video Link

Y4 Lesson 3 – Estimating money

Y4 Lesson 3 Answers – Estimating money

Year 5


Year 5 Video Link

Year 5 Lesson-3-Answers

Year 5 Lesson-3-Multiplying-decimals-by-10-100-and-1000

3. Reading: Log into Reading Eggs for a book to read and complete this week. Remember to read your own book too and keep your Reading Diary.

4. English: Two options…

1) Find today’s Bitesize activity Bitesize Website

2) Follow the link below for Lesson 3/5 of the Oak Academy lessons this week.

Lesson 3/5 Instruction Writing

Other ideas:

  1. Violins – spend time practising your musical instruments
  2. PSHE – Check out Mrs Viner’s update for Wellbeing Wednesday.

Happy Wednesday!

Miss Whit 🙂

Year 6 playscripts

The Year 6’s in school today have written and performed (at a safe distance) their own playscripts as inspired by the work on BBC Bitesize English today.  Here are some photos of their epic and unique performances!





Owl Class book suggestions

Here are some book recommendations from Owl class if you are looking for something to read next:

Grace  – Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Jack – Scorpio by Anthony Horowitz

Dan – Tom Gates is absolutely fantastic (at some things) by Liz Pichon

Noah – My Headteacher is a Vampire Rat – by Pamela Butchart

Emma – The Amelia Fang series by Laura Ellen Anderson

Elsa – Ice Monster by David Walliams

David – The Parent Agency by David Baddiel

Sam – Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz or Fing by David Walliams




Dragonfly Class – Tuesday 23rd June

Good morning Dragonflies,

She has a name! 🐾 We’ve decided to call our new pup ‘Nell’ (or Nellie) which suits her because she has huge ears that remind me of my childhood favourite ‘Nelly the Elephant’! Your grown ups might remember that one 😆

Here are today’s other activities:

  1. SpellingsThis week’s lists are on the links below. Challenge: write them out as handwriting practise today.


Year 3 Spellings & Handwriting

Year 4 Spellings & Handwriting

Year 5 Spellings & Handwriting

2. Maths: White Rose Maths links can be found below. I’ve also added a block of work on My Maths for those of you who enjoy it too.

Year 3


Year 3 Video link

Y3 Lesson 2 – Compare angles

Y3 Lesson 2 Answers – Compare angles

Year 4


Year 4 Video Link

Y4 Lesson 2 – Ordering money

Y4 Lesson 2 Answers – Ordering money

Year 5


Year 5 Video Link

Year 5 Lesson-2-Subtracting-decimals

Year 5 Lesson-2-Answers

3. Reading: Read your own book for 20 minutes or so today.

4. English: Two options… 1) Find today’s Bitesize activity 2) Follow the link below for Lesson 2/5 of the Oak Academy lessons this week.

Lesson 2/5 Instruction Writing

Other ideas:

Science: The Human Skeleton

Bitesize Video

Skeleton & Bones website

Use the skeleton labels here: Skeleton Labels

Can you draw around yourself and label the skeleton parts? You could do this using a piece of old wallpaper or get outside and use chalk on the ground (think about safety of course!)

Miss Whit 🙂



Dragonfly Class – Monday 22nd June

Good morning Dragonflies,

It will be a very different day for me today as I’m welcoming lots of children back into class! I look forward to seeing some of your faces and seeing how much you’ve grown (and how your lockdown hairstyles are looking!)

In other news, I’ve had the BEST weekend! I returned home from school on Friday to find Andrew was acting very strange… he disappeared into the living room then reappeared a few minutes later with… A PUPPY!!! Oh my goodness. I’ve fallen in love with the little bundle of gorgeousness – I just need to find a nice name! Briar is not such a fan… she currently thinks we should send her back pronto – she’s far too little to be any fun to B at all! She’s a bit grumpy and jealous! I’ll get some pictures up soon 💛🐾

Here are today’s activities:

  1. SpellingsThis week’s lists are on the links below. Challenge: ask someone to test you on how many you know BEFORE you start learning them.


Year 3 Spellings & Handwriting

Year 4 Spellings & Handwriting

Year 5 Spellings & Handwriting

2. Maths: White Rose Maths links can be found below. I’ve also added a block of work on My Maths for those of you who enjoy it too. Remember to watch the video and learn first!

Year 3

Year 3 Video link

Y3 Lesson 1 – Right angles in shapes

Y3 Lesson 1 Answers – Right angles in shapes

Year 4

Year 4 Video Link

Y4 Lesson 1 – Pounds and pence

Y4 Lesson 1 Answers – Pounds and pence

Year 5


Year 5 Video Link

Year 5 Lesson-1-Subtracting-decimals

Year 5 Lesson-1-Answers

3. Reading Eggs: There is a task ready and waiting for you 🙂

4. English: Two options

1) Find today’s Bitesize activity

2) Follow the link below for Lesson 1/5 of the Oak Academy lessons this week on instruction writing.

Instruction Writing Lesson 1/5

Other ideas:

  1. PE: Usually on a Monday we have our PE lessons so make a good effort on some sporting activity to day if you can! How about carrying on with the Virtual School Games activities!
  2. School Games Competition

2. Design a bookmark  – in school today we will be thinking about making our own bookmarks to keep in class. Can you make your own original design?


Happy Monday,

Miss Whit 🙂

Dragonfly Class – Friday 19th June

It’s Friday! Well done for logging in for another week.

I needed my flippers yesterday 🚴🏼‍♀️ going back and to from school where I got very wet, but it was great fun! Get out in the rain if you can – it can be so refreshing (Nicky will think I’m mad saying that).

I hope you all have a good weekend – mine looks like there will be lots of good food involved! So I best get running too 😊

Here are today’s activities:

  1. SpellingsThis week’s lists are on the links below. Challenge: Have your end of week test to see how well you’ve learned them.

Y3 Spellings Week 3

Y4 Spellings Week 3

Y5 Spellings Week 3

2. Maths:

For Friday’s fun challenges, you can spend your time on TT Rockstars or exploring Number Gym. Here are two games to play too:

Roll these dice


4. English: Two options…

1) Find today’s Bitesize activity

2) Follow the link below for the final lesson of the Oak Academy lessons this week.

Lesson 5/5

Other ideas:

  1. PE – spend time on your Virtual School Games challenge from Monday. Also check out this Friday Challenge activity: Primary All Stars Friday Challenge
  2. Topic (Ancient Greece): Aesop’s Fables

There is a book called Vita Aesopus that was first written in the 2nd century CE and says that Aesop was a very ugly slave who lived on the Greek island of Samos. At first he cannot speak but after showing kindness to a priestess of Isis, the Egyptian goddess made him not only speak but also a clever storyteller. 

Read and explore about Aesop and his fables using the links below. Which fables are your favourite? Why?

http://read.gov/aesop/ – Selection of Aesop’s Fables to read online from the US Library of Congress;

https://www.umass.edu/aesop/fables.php – Other versions of the fables; https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06sdr13  – Audio versions of Aesop’s Fables; http://www.aesopfables.com/ – Other versions of the fables with audio and pictures; http://www.mythfolklore.net/aesopica/ – A collated list of the different versions of the fables.

Have a super weekend, missing you all very much.

Miss Whit

Max’s Art Project

We’ve been very impressed in school by the effort Max has made towards an art project during his lockdown time. We’ve already enjoyed his painting earlier in the term, but I thought you would all enjoy seeing the final project that Max has submitted; it is something Max should be very proud of and I know you will all be impressed by this final presentation.

Have a look at the link below which takes you to his work.

Max Arts Award

Congratulations Max for putting such brilliant focus into this and thank you for sharing your journey in art – I’m very proud of you.