Wednesday 6th January – Dragonfly Class

It was lovely to speak to so many families yesterday and hear about things you’ve been getting up to. I was very impressed by how many of you had already completed much of your homeschooling too!

Here are today’s activities:

Task One: Spellings

  1. Have a practise of two of the words from yesterday’s list that you found tricky – perhaps you could write the words in different colours 5 times.
  2. Pick two words from the curriculum words mats below to master! You might want to print the word mat off and highlight / colour the words once you’ve learned them as the days go by.

Years 3 and 4 Word-Mat


Task two: Maths

Today’s tasks follow on from yesterday but they do get a little trickier.

Remember – if you want to save on printing, you can read the questions on the screen then record your answers on paper ( a bit like in-class when you present your work in books).

Year 2 Powerpoint

Year 2 – 5 times table Task 2

Year 3 Powerpoint

Year 3 Task 2 – updated!

Year 4 Powerpoint

Year 4 – Task 2 – updated!

Task 3: English


I would love to be teaching you the start of this topic face-to-face but instead I’ll have to be patient and hope you send me some great results by the end of the week!

  1. Explore this Powerpoint and think about the questions. If you have someone to discuss it with even better! So Arthur & Percy, Andy & Sophia, Elliot & india, Evan & Elsie, Amelia & Bella – you can work together at home! Wow we have a lot of sibling pairs in class…! Everyone else – see if a brother, sister or grown-up can share ideas and have fun thinking about this task with you. If you have contact with someone in class, you could even phone / Facetime them to think about ideas.
  2. Make sure you’ve filled in the plan (or create your own on paper). 

Here is a useful word mat to help you get creative for this Stone Age story plan:

Stone Age Boy Word mat

Task Four: Reading

Spend twenty minutes reading your own book from home OR use Reading Eggs. If you need your log-in for this, ask your grown-ups to email me and I will send you passwords.

Other tasks:

  • Year 4: Violin practise


  • Topic continued: Following on from yesterday’s Stone Age craft project, write an object label as if it was being displayed in a museum. Be creative! What is your object? What would it have been used for? What would it have been made from? How old would it be? What does it feel like? Does it have any special features? Where might it have been found? Remember to sound formal and factual in your explanation.

For example:

“Here is a fine example of a Stone Age knife made from flint. The knife would have been made with the bare hands of Stone Age people by chipping, trimming and sharpening. It was thought to be a difficult skill which could easily have ended with missing fingers! This knife is thought to have been made and used around 13,000 BCE in England.”

Stay warm & I’ll speak to you all soon.

Miss Whit xx

Owl Class Home Learning 5.1.21

Good Morning Owls and Happy New Year!  I hope you have all had a great Christmas break. This is not quite the start that we were expecting to the Spring term and I am so disappointed not to see you all in class today but like last time, we will get through this together.  As the announcement to move to remote learning came out last night, today I am posting work here whilst we get to grips with the technology needed to do more face to face teaching.  Please bear with us whilst we sort it out; we will let you know when we are in a position to start this.

So, here are your home learning tasks for today:

*English – I have chosen the following unit from The Oak National Academy for both year groups to follow.  Using the link below, find Year 6 week beginning Monday 14th December. I would like you to complete Monday’s lesson today.   Begin by selecting Monday’s lesson which is called ‘To analyse the features of a newspaper report’.  Follow the instructions in the lesson to work through the teaching video and the related activity.

*Maths – Today, we are looking at multiplying fractions by integers.  Take a look at the PowerPoint before completing the relevant worksheets for your year group.  Remember that the question sheets are divided into 2 strands :Reasoning and Problem Solving (RPS) and Verbal Fluency (VF) and into 3 levels of difficulty (developing, expected and greater depth.  You only need to complete one of the three levels of difficulty for each strand i.e. Year 5 expected RPS and VF.  The answers are included at the back of each set for you to mark your work.






If you find the above a bit too tricky, here are is an activity on adding fractions that you could try instead.




*Science – This half term, we are starting a new topic on the classification of living things.  I would like you to find out about Carl Linnaeus.  Who was he?  What is he best known for?  How does what he developed help us with our lives today?  There is a PowerPoint below to get you started.

Presentation Linnaean System

*Reading – spend at least 15 minutes reading today.

*Times Table practice – log onto TTRockstars and spend at least 20 minutes improving your quick recall of times tables.

Record your work in the book sent home from school.  Please send copies/photos of your work to the admin email address.

Have a good day and keep smiling. Sending lots of virtual hugs,

Mrs Hollis x

Tuesday 5th January – Dragonfly Class

Dear my fabulous Dragonfly Class 🙂

I’ve so many things to say to you but can’t decide where to start! THANK YOU for logging into this website this morning – it’s a great start to the next step we’re having to take. Next, I hope you’ve had a lovely Christmas and spent time resting and enjoying yourselves – I’ll update you on mine later. Finally, I want you to know how sad I am that we can’t be in class together this morning – I was (as always) so looking forward to seeing my team of favourite people.

But be assured, we’ve lots of tricks up our sleeves over the coming days to make sure we all get to see as much of each other as possible – keep checking in on this website for more updates as they come.

Today the teachers are getting everything in place so bear with me for now as ‘home schooling’ will look a little different to last summer. We hope to be video-calling, teaching and sharing your work and faces in lots of ways as soon as possible!

For today I’ve created a timetable and tasks below just to get you back into the swing of things. Follow your year group tasks but if you find something easy, feel free to move up to the next year group challenge or take it down a level if it’s tricky.

Task One: Handwriting & Spellings

1. Learn this week’s spelling list below (recommended learning time 20 minutes). See how many you already know first, then learn ones you don’t.

2. Print the spelling sheet if you can to practise your handwriting by copying each word / letter join carefully. Think about the size of each letter too! Take your time to improve your writing.

Challenge level: Write each word into a sentence.

Year 4 Spellings & Handwriting Week One

Year 3 Spellings & Handwriting – Week One

Year 2 Spellings & Handwriting – Week One

Booster Group Spellings & Handwriting – Week One

Task two: Maths

Have a look at the task for your year group below. There is a powerpoint to support each activity too. Remember, don’t worry if you find it tricky – ask for help if you can or ‘save it’ as a task to ask me about when I speak to you all this week.

Year 1 Booster Task

Year 2 Powerpoint

Year 2 Task – 5 times tables

Year 3 Powerpoint

Year 3 Task – comparing statements

Year 4 Powerpoint

Year 4 Task – 11 and 12 times tables

Task 3: English

I can’t wait to teach our new English topic to you all. But for now, I’m going to keep it a SECRET! Mwahahaha….

So for today, here are the grammar tasks we do regularly:

Year 2 Powerpoint

Year 2 Task -commas

Year 3 Powerpoint

Year 3 Task – Vowels

Year 4 Powerpoint

Year 4 Task – adverbials

Task Four: Stone Age

Dragonflies, I set you a mission! Your task is to use recyclable materials (preferably cardboard!) to create yourself replicas of weapons or tools that you think Stone Age people may have used – please remember health and safety rules and discuss your plans with a grown up first. Remember, Stone Age people were among some of the first humans so their needs would have been very basic. They didn’t have metal, knives or electric – you need to think carefully about this!

Here are a few facts and ideas to get you started:

Stone Age for Dragonflies

Task ideas


Please feel free to send in any photos OR be ready to show off your creation in an online lesson very soon.

Other tasks:

  • Reading your home books
  • Times tables rockstars

Dragonflies – I hope you all know how much I’ll miss you today BUT I look forward to seeing your lovely faces (on screen!) very soon.

Sending you all the biggest virtual hug,

Miss Whit xx

Dragonfly Homework & Spellings Week One

Task One: Reading

Aim to read every day and record your reading regularly in your Reading Record. Remember – you can make your own notes as well as your grown ups!

Task Two: Maths

Complete at least one level on the maths sheet sent home. D = Developing, E = Expected, GD = Greater Depth.

Task Three: Spellings

Select your spelling group below and learn the spellings in a way that works best for you. You will be tested on the Week One list on Tuesday 9th January.

Remember – if you want to learn spellings for weeks ahead, you can! Also remember that if you would like another spelling challenge you can keep learning words from your year group lists. 

Weekly test list:

Year 4 Spellings – Week One to be tested 9th January

Year 3 Spellings – Week One to be tested 9th January

Year 2 Spellings – Week One to be tested 9th January


Curriculum lists to keep working on if you have time (not tested):

Year 2 Word Mat for year

Years 3 & 4 Word Mat for year



Owl Class Home Learning 16.12.20

Good morning.  Here are today’s tasks:

*English – Today, spend some time editing your Nativity story begun on Monday (full explanation and resource on Monday’s post if you haven’t started it). You could also copy it out adding some illustrations too.  I would love to read what you have come up with.

*Maths – Today, have a go at the either the Christmas coordinates activity below or the Christmas mystery.



Mystery sheets

Mystery Answers

*Reading – make sure that you are reading for at least 10 minutes per day.

*Times Table practice – log onto TTRockstars and spend at least 20 minutes improving your quick recall of times tables.

Record your work in the book sent home from school.  Please send copies/photos of your work to the admin email address.

Have a good day,

Mrs Hollis

Owl Class Home Learning 15.12.20

Good morning.  Here are today’s tasks:

*English – Today, spend some time continuing the Nativity narrative from the perspective of one of the animal characters as explained on yesterday’s post.  Remember, you can look at the PowerPoint to refresh your memory about the story.

*Maths – Complete the maths mystery posted yesterday or try to find the punchlines to the Christmas jokes below (there are 3 levels of difficulty for you to pick which one you want to do).


Or compete the fraction activities allocated on MyMaths.

*Reading – make sure that you are reading for at least 10 minutes per day.

*Times Table practice – log onto TTRockstars and spend at least 20 minutes improving your quick recall of times tables.

Record your work in the book sent home from school.  Please send copies/photos of your work to the admin email address.

Have a good day,

Mrs Hollis

Owl Class Home Learning 14.12.20

Good morning.  Here are today’s tasks:

*English – Over the next couple of days, I would like you to re-write the nativity story but this time from the perspective of one of the animals.  For example, you could write as the donkey that carried Mary or one of the lambs taken as a gift from the shepherds or even one of the camels ridden by the wise men.  Think about how to make it more personal to that character i.e. adding their opinions and feelings.  I would like you to write as descriptively as you can using some of the aspects that you have been learning about this term: expanded noun phrases, metaphors, similes, fronted adverbials and use of the senses.  Take a look at the PowerPoint below to remind you about the events of the story.


*Maths – See if you can complete the maths mystery below to solve the mystery of the lost presents.

Monday the-mystery-of-the-lost-christmas-present-maths-mystery-game-_ver_7

*Reading – make sure that you are reading for at least 10 minutes per day.

*Times Table practice – log onto TTRockstars and spend at least 20 minutes improving your quick recall of times tables.

*French – take a look at the PowerPoint below: one on Christmas in France and the other some Christmas French vocabulary.



*PE – find a way to get active today.  That could be an indoor workout or time in the back garden.

Record your work in the book sent home from school.  Please send copies/photos of your work to the admin email address.

Have a good day,

Mrs Hollis