Owl Class Home Learning Week beginning 18.1.21

For this week’s home learning, please access your Teams accounts each day. Any problems, email either myself (Mon-Wed) on: hollis.c@ruyton.shropshire.sch.uk

Or Miss Horton (Thursday and Friday) on: horton.z@ruyton.shropshire.sch.uk

A daily suggested timetable structured around the Teams meetings will be posted the night before on the Timetable section.  Generally, we will be having 3 meetings per day (9.15am, 1pm and 2.50pm).  However, this may differ on a Thursday due to spelling tests and music lessons.

See you soon on Teams!

Mrs Hollis

Friday 15th January – Dragonfly Class

Please see Teams for lessons, chats and updates.

9:20 Morning Meeting for all

9.40am Year 3 & 4 English

10.20am Year 2 English

1pm Afternoon Meeting for all

2.45pm Close of day meeting for all

Finally, spend time today finishing any incomplete tasks from the week (for example the internet rules poster from yesterday).

Task One: Reading

Access the Assignment on Team and send me an update of your reading this week. What have you been reading? What have you enjoyed? What would you like to read next?

Task Two: Maths

Today we are having a TT Rockstars session! Log-in and commence battle… you can challenge each other or work through the levels and lessons.

Task Three: English

Join your live lessons and complete the Assignment task set on Teams.

Task Four: PE

Catch up with the Activity Challenge I’ve posted on behalf of the School Games and do your own activity. Joe Wicks is also online at 9am if you fancy his workout!

Well done and thank you for such a brilliant week! We’ll be moving over to Teams next week as I think you are all accessing the activities on there (even if you’re recording work on paper).

Dragonflies – you are BRILLIANT! Happy weekend,

Miss Whit xx


Thursday 14th January – Dragonfly Class

Please see Teams for our full chats, lessons and live tasks – we’re all getting better at this!

Today’s top tip: Keep your School Games Activity log updated to send to the School Games organisers 🙂

9:20 Morning Meeting for all

9.40 Year 3 Maths lesson

10.05 Year 4 Maths lesson

10.30 Year 2 Maths lesson

11.00 Year 3 Recorders

11.30 Year 4 Recorders

1pm Afternoon Meeting for all

2pm Music lesson for everyone!

2.45pm Close of day meeting for all


Task One: Maths – look out for your live Teams lessons

Year 2 PPT

Year 2 Reasoning Task

Year 3 PPT

Year 3 Reasoning Task

Year 4 PPT

Year 4 Reasoning Task

Task Two : English. L/O: To describe a setting.

Today I would like you to use your own word bank (from yesterday) or use some of the language shared on the Teams Assignment for this task to write a story opening where the setting has been described effectively.

Here is an example by ‘Boring Miss Whit’!

A boy walked in the woods. There were tall trees. It was peaceful. The woodland felt calm but he felt a little lonely. Birds tweeted in the trees.

Can you do better? Of course. Go Dragonflies!

If you can, write this on the Assignment document as I can mark it with more detail 🙂


Task Three: Music 2pm – Mr Butler will be delivering LIVE Recorders and Music today!


Task Four: PSHE & Computing L/O; To think about how we use the internet everyday.

L/O: To consider how we use the internet.

As discussed in our meeting earlier, we are all using the internet and computers as a huge part of our daily lives at the moment. This technology can be brilliant! But is also needs to be used mindfully.

Your task is to create a poster which shows the rules which you think Dragonfly Class need to remember whilst we are learning at home using Microsoft Teams, live video calls and the internet including sending messages through chat, using The Playground and choosing emojis. There are lots of rules we should be following but pick a few that you think are most important to you at the moment.

Have a look at the links below for some ideas (you don’t have to do them all!)

How can you use the internet safely?

Keeping Safe Online

The Smart Crew – lots of activities, perhaps choose one or two to look at

Send your poster as a photo attachment to the Assignment if you can. Good luck!


See you on Teams

Miss Whit xx

Owl Class Home Learning 13.1.21

Happy Wednesday Owls!  Hope you are all ok – seeing you all again each day is certainly keeping me going.

Here is the timetable suggestion for today:

9.15am TEAMS meeting to introduce this morning’s activities.

Spellings – final chance for a practice before tomorrow’s test.

English lesson

10.30am Breaktime

11am Maths

12noon Lunch

1pm TEAMS meeting to catch up about the morning tasks and introduce the afternoon task


Reading time and Worship

2.50pm TEAMS catch up

Again, I have posted your tasks here in case of technical problems but hopefully soon, we won’t have to rely on it as much once we are really flying with TEAMS.  Try to view your assignments on Teams please to get used to it.

*Spellings – continue to learn your spellings for tomorrow’s test.  There is an optional wordsearch if you would like to use it and are able to print it out; you do not have to complete it.

Year 5 Word Search

Year 6 Word Search

*English – continuing the Oak Academy unit.  Using the link below, follow the instructions in the lesson to work through the teaching video and the related activity.

To plan the recount of events (thenational.academy)

If the above link does not work, follow the link below to the Oak Academy, select Year 6 week beginning Monday 4th January and select Wednesday’s lesson.  It is called to plan the recount of events.


*Maths –  Today, we are looking at fractions of an amount.  There is a separate PowerPoint and worksheets for Year 5 and 6.  Take a look at the PowerPoint/video before completing the worksheets for your year group.

Year 6 Maths:




Year 5 Maths:

Year 5 PowerPoint – Fraction of an Amount

Year 5 fractions of an amount

Year 5 Answers – Fraction of an Amount

Year 5 and 6 Maths:

If either year group finds their work a bit tricky, try the maze activity below.



*Reading – Make sure that you are reading for at least 15 minutes per day.

*History – We are going to begin our new topic which is all about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.  We are beginning with a focus on the Anglo-Saxons to begin with.

So, what do you know already?  Perhaps you know of some famous characters/kings? Or are familiar with how they lived, where they came from and what evidence of them we have left behind. Today, I would like you to conduct some research including into the following areas:

Where did the Anglo-Saxons come from?

Why did they more to Britain?

What sorts of jobs did they do?

What language did they speak?

What did they believe in?

You can add other facts and pictures that interest you.

*TTRockstars – spend any spare minutes rocking on through those tables.

Complete your work in the exercise books sent home last term and/or upload photos of your work to each assignment if possible as introduced on yesterday’s Teams meetings.  If not, please send photos of what you have done to me at hollis.c@ruyton.shropshire.sch.uk or admin@ruyton.shropshire.sch.uk.

Keep going – you are doing brilliantly,

Mrs Hollis x

Wednesday 13th January – Dragonfly Class

Good morning all,

Here are Wednesday’s lessons which will hopefully work! Every year group can attend a Maths lesson today now we are all beginning to get more familiar with what we are doing. For parents – I am going to stick to these times for the rest of this week and hope that it works everyday!

Before the day starts you could be participating in Joe Wicks’ 9am workout!

9.20am – all (introduction)

9.40am Year 3 Maths lesson

10.05am Year 4 Maths lesson

10.30am Year 2 Maths Lesson

1pm – all (afternoon introduction – optional but I will introduce task)

2.45pm –  all (close of day / sharing – optional)

Organise the rest of your day yourselves with regular breaks.

Reverend Burns’ has sent a worship under ‘Assignments’ that you can watch today; choose a time that suits you.

Task One: Handwriting & Spellings – do on Teams Assignment if you can!

Using this week’s spelling list (sent out yesterday) can you write one sentence for each word. Remember:

  • capital letters & full stops (or other end of sentence punctuation) for full sentence
  • joined up handwriting
  • spelling checks!

Task Two: Maths – also available on Teams

Year 2 PPT

Year 2 Task

Year 3 PPT

Year 3 Task

Year 4 PPT

Year 4 Task

Task 3: English

Complete the task attached (I’d prefer you to use Teams and add comments onto the ‘live’ Notebooks if possible):

Settings – word task

Task Four: RE 

This term we are learning about Hinduism. Firstly, I would like you to watch and listen to this Hindu story about ‘Svetaketu’:

The Salt and the Seed 

What is the lesson of this story? Write down your own ideas about what can be learned from this story and Hindu beliefs (there is an Assignment on Teams that you can write this on).

Other tasks:

  • Reading your home books
  • Times tables rockstars
  • Catch up with Joe Wicks Wednesday workout

See you on Teams!

Miss Whit x

Owl Class Home Learning 12.1.21

Good morning lovely Owls. Well, we survived our first full day on TEAMS!  Let’s go for it again today but in case of technology problems, today’s work is below.

Again, I have included a suggested timetable for how you could organise your day below. Remember that you can work at your pace through the activities.

9.15am TEAMS meeting to introduce this morning’s activities.


English lesson

10.30am Breaktime

11am Maths

12noon Lunch

1pm TEAMS meeting to catch up about the morning tasks and introduce the afternoon task


Reading time and TT Rockstars

2.50pm TEAMS catch up

So, here is today’s work:

*Spellings – use your spellings as a means of practising your handwriting as well as learning how to spell them.

Year 5 Handwriting Practice – Cursive

Year 6 Handwriting Practice – Cursive

*English – continuing the Oak Academy unit.  Using the link below, follow the instructions in the lesson to work through the teaching video and the related activity.

To practise and apply knowledge of letter strings: ough, ear, ou, au, ice including test (thenational.academy)

*Maths –  Today, we are looking at fractions of an amount.  Take a look at the PowerPoint before completing the worksheets for your year group.  Remember that the question sheets are divided into 2 strands :Reasoning and Problem Solving (RPS) and Verbal Fluency (VF) and into 3 levels of difficulty (developing, expected and greater depth.  You only need to complete one of the three levels of difficulty for each strand i.e. Year 6 expected RPS and VF.  The answers are included at the back of each set for you to mark your work.






If the above is a bit tricky, try the sheets below.



*Reading – Make sure that you are spending at least 15 minutes per day reading for pleasure.  Keep a log of the title and pages read in your book.

*Science – Last week, I asked you to look at the work of Carl Linnaeus and his classification system of living things.  Hopefully, you thought about how important it is to have a system of classifying livings things and what it would be like without it.  Think of it as a filing system that helps with identification or a gigantic family tree.

So today, we are going to look at invertebrates.

Take a look at the following and write down the most interesting fact from either.



Looking at the classification system, a wolf spider would fit as follows:


As you can see, a wolf spider is the species name but it also falls into the class of arthropods.  This means it has some of the same characteristics as crustaceans like crabs i.e. a hard outside skeleton.  Today, I would like you to us the sheets below to find out more about the characteristics of invertebrates.  There are 8 different sections but you do not have to complete all 8, you can pick at least 4 of your choice.


*TTRockstars – spend any spare minutes rocking on through those tables.

Complete your work in the exercise books sent home last term and please send photos of what you have done to me at hollis.c@ruyton.shropshire.sch.uk or admin@ruyton.shropshire.sch.uk.

Have a great day and I will hopefully see you throughout the day on TEAMS.

Mrs Hollis x

Dragonfly Class – Tuesday 12th January

We will be meeting again on Teams today and you should have received invites to the following meetings:

9.20am – all (introduction)

9.40am Year 3 Spelling Test & Maths lesson

10.10am Year 4 Spelling Test & Maths lesson

10.40am Year 2 Spelling Test

1pm – all (afternoon introduction – optional but I will introduce Science task)

2.45pm –  all (close of day / sharing – optional)

Organise the rest of your day yourselves with regular breaks. Year 3 and 4 – remember that you are having a taught maths session so save your maths until then!

Task One: Handwriting & Spellings

1. Learn this week’s spelling list below (recommended learning time 20 minutes). See how many you already know first, then learn ones you don’t.

2. Print the spelling sheet if you can to practise your handwriting by copying each word / letter join carefully. Think about the size of each letter too! Take your time to improve your writing.

Year 1 Week 2

Year 2 Week 2

Year 3 Week 2

Year 4 – Week 2

Task two: Maths

Today you are all looking at the ‘Reasoning’ parts of the tasks… Year 3 and 4 – remember you will be having a live teach with me!

Year 2 PPT-Make-Equal-Groups-Sharing

Year 2 Reasoning Task

Year-3 PPT-Multiply-2-Digits-by-1-Digit-1

Year 3 Reasoning Task

Year-4 PPT-Factor-Pairs

Year 4 Reasoning Task

Task 3: English

Thank you for sending me your brilliant writing over the past week. Today you have a grammar session, see the links below. Remember: work through the Powerpoint ideas and answers first, then have a go at the Task.


Year 2 Grammar PPT – Writing Lists

Year 2 Task

Year 3 Grammar PPT – Consonants

Year 3 Grammar Task

Year 4 Grammar PPT – Fronted Adverbials

Year 4 Task

Task Four: Science

If you can, open this on your Teams ‘Daily Tasks’ page as you can write on it and I can mark it!

What is a force?

Other tasks:

  • Reading your home books
  • Times tables rockstars


See you on Teams!

Miss Whit x