Owl Class Forest School session 1

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Well done Owls – we had a great first Forest School session today looking at quadrants as a way of surveying the plants in the area and a little bit of free time to explore the site.

Thank you so much for all of the donations of biscuits and offers of help.  If any other parents are able to help with future sessions, please let Nikki in the office know.

Charley’s fitness fundraiser!

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She has around 6 weeks to finish her training for this brilliant event.I’ve no doubt Dragonfly Class (and the grown-ups!) will be eager to help Charley train for her run during our fitness PE sessions too.

Good luck Charley – we look forward to hearing more about your training updates.


Congratulations Liz and Matthew!

Huge congratulations to Liz in Owl Class for winning the Primary Showcase for the Shropshire Music Service in the Woodwind category for her clarinet playing.  This is a brilliant achievement Liz.  Matthew was also commended for his playing in the brass section.  What a talented pair!

Owl Class Home Learning week beginning 25.1.21

For this week’s home learning, please access your Teams accounts each day. Any problems, email either myself (Mon-Wed) on: hollis.c@ruyton.shropshire.sch.uk

Or Miss Horton (Thursday and Friday) on: horton.z@ruyton.shropshire.sch.uk

A daily suggested timetable structured around the Teams meetings will be posted in the Timetable section.

See you soon on Teams!

Mrs Hollis