Owl Class – Carding Mill Valley Trip

We had a brilliant trip to Carding Mill Valley this week. It included a challenging trek up the hills learning all about the valley’s history and formation plus a river exploration where children discovered what can be learned from studying the river bed.

Our National Trust leaders were fantastic whilst our children were commended on their manners. A special thank you to Miss Ryan (Harry’s mum!) for joining us on the day and providing invaluable support. Well done Owl Class – it was such a pleasure to enjoy a day out with you!

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Homework 7.10.21

Harvest Homework

We will soon be celebrating Harvest Festival and this week, we would like you to complete one of the tasks from the list below:

  • Write a poem about Harvest. For example, you could write an acrostic poem using the word HARVEST.  Each line starts with a letter from the word.
  • Research the traditions of celebrating Harvest Festival in this country. The following website may be of use: http://projectbritain.com/Harvest.html
  • Research how other countries celebrate Harvest. Do they celebrate in the same way/at the same time of year?
  • Find and cook a Harvest inspired recipe using food in season at the moment.

Please bring in/email/upload (onto TEAMS) your homework by Wednesday 13th October.

Any queries, please contact either Mrs Hollis or Miss Horton.


Dragonfly Homework 30.9.21

Dragonfly Class Homework 30.9.21

School Value—Trust

Throughout the month of September, our school value has been trust.  We have explored this theme through our worships and this week’s homework is linked to it.  We would like you to complete any activity connected to this value.  You can choose anything that you like but here are some ideas to get you started.  You could:

*Write about someone that you trust and what makes them trustworthy.  It could be a description or a letter to say thank you to them.

*Find out more about the story of Daniel in the lion’s den and how Daniel had to trust in God.  Perhaps you could draw a picture of a part of the story that shows trust.

*Draw a picture that illustrate what the word trust means to you.

*Write a piece of text/poem that explains why trust is an important value.


These are just a few ideas but please feel free to be as creative as you want around this theme.

Please bring in/email/upload (onto TEAMS) your homework by Wednesday 6th October.

Any queries, please contact either Mrs Hollis or Miss Horton.







Dragonfly Homework 23.9.21


1) This week, we have set 2 activities to be completed on MyMaths.  Both tasks are revision of place value objectives covered over the last 2 weeks in class.  You will need the login details sent out in your homework book.

2) Login to TTRockstars and get used to sing the site if it is your first time using it or revising how to use it if it has been a while.  Then practice your times tables for at least 10 minutes; we would recommend starting with the ‘Garage’ section.

Your homework is due in on Wednesday 29th September.

If you have any issues logging in to either site, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Horton.


Dragonfly art gallery

Today we have been using our sketching skills to create observational drawings.  The class were given the choice of drawing either one of the Roman artefacts or working from pictures of the beautiful dragonflies brought in by Millie and India.  Fantastic work Dragonfly Class- you are a talented bunch!


Dragonfly Class Homework 16.9.21

Dragonfly Class Homework 16.9.21

This week’s task is all about the troll characters that we designed in English earlier in the week.  We would like you to create a model or picture of your troll.  You can use anything you like for your artwork but here are some ideas.  You could:

*use recycled material such as cardboard boxes, tubes etc

*make a collage picture using lots of different materials/types of paper

*paint a picture of your troll

*use a drawing programme on a tablet/computer

*make a model using Lego

These are just a few ideas but feel free to get creative!

Please either bring in your picture/model (only if you don’t mind it being left in school for a while) or send in a photo (email either Mrs Hollis or Miss Horton) by Wednesday 22nd September.

Good luck!