Dragonfly homework 11.11.21


Year 3/4:

This week’s homework is revision of the addition and subtraction methods that we have been using in class  over the last 2 weeks.  Please complete the worksheet given out to you in class and bring back to school.  Copies of the sheets are below and on TEAMs.

Year 2:

Please practise the 3 times table using the activity sheet.

Please bring in/email/upload (onto TEAMS) your homework by Wednesday 17th November.

Any queries, please contact either Mrs Hollis or Miss Horton.

Year 3 easier addition and subtraction homework

Year 3 trickier addition and subtraction homework

Year 4 addition and subtraction homework

Dragonfly Class Homework 4.11.21

School Value—Friendship

Throughout the month of October, our school value has been friendship.  We have explored this theme through our worships and this week’s homework is linked to it.  We would like you to complete any activity connected to this value.  You can choose anything that you like but here are some ideas to get you started.  You could:

1) Write a letter to a friend to say thank you for being a good friend.

2) Make a friendship bracelet—one for you and one for a friend.  Explain to them why they are such a good friend.

3) Look for some quotes about friendship (Charlie Mackesy has some lovely ones from his book ‘The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse’).  Pick one that you like and create a poster with it on and add an illustration.

Please bring in/email/upload (onto TEAMS) your homework by Wednesday 10th November.

Any queries, please contact either Mrs Hollis or Miss Horton.


Dragonfly Class Homework 21.10.21

Poetry Homework

This week, we are looking at poetry during our English sessions and your homework is to choose one of the following ideas:

1) Find a poem (on any topic) that you like and practise reading it aloud.  You could then perform it, perhaps adding actions to it.  We would love to see these if you are feeling brave enough to film it and send it in.

2) Write your own poem on the topic of your choice (we have been looking at Autumn and Winter in school so perhaps you could write one about Spring or Summer).

3) Find a poem (on any topic) and write it out in your neatest handwriting.  Then add some decoration/illustrations to it.

4) Find a poem (on any topic) and explain why you like it.  Can you also comment on any poetic features that the poet has used e.g. alliteration, rhyming words, similes?

Please bring in/email/upload (onto TEAMS) your homework by Wednesday 3rd November.

Any queries, please contact either Mrs Hollis or Miss Horton.


Homework 14.10.21


Year 3 and 4:

Complete the Roman Numeral sheets.  There is one on matching the Roman Numeral to the correct number and a second one that is a bit trickier, completing a Roman Numeral number square.





Year 2:

Complete the maths mat question sheet covering questions on the place value unit covered so far this term.

Y2 Maths Mat 1

Please bring in/email/upload (onto TEAMS) your homework by Wednesday 20th October.

Any queries, please contact either Mrs Hollis or Miss Horton.


Dragonfly Class – Trip to Chester

Dragonfly class had a fabulous day trip to Chester today to visit Deva Roman Experience Museum in Chester.  This morning, we stepped back in time and entered the Roman fort of Deva (Chester) where we found out all about the life of a soldier, Roman food, how to keep clean and entertainment Roman style.  Then in the afternoon, we were all enrolled into the Roman army and were put through our paces in a variety of formations and drills.  You were fantastic all day Dragonflies and represented our school brilliantly.  Our guides even said that we were the best class that they had ever had there!  We are so proud of you all.  Thank you to Mrs Hudson and Mrs Aspinall for their help today. 



Dragonfly Class trip to Chester Monday 11th October

Just a quick reminder that we are going on our trip tomorrow (Monday 11th October) and the children need the following:

*full school uniform including a jumper/cardigan

*a waterproof coat

*sensible school shoes/trainers (we have a lot of walking to do)

*a packed lunch and a water bottle

We will be leaving at around 9am and aim to be back in school for the normal end of the day.  I will keep school updated on our journey home and arrival time in case traffic is bad.

See you all tomorrow for a brilliant day in Chester,

Mrs Hollis x

Nature up close

Dragonfly Class have been very busy collecting specimens for their nature table and last week used the microscope to look at some of them in more detail.  We were particularly amazed by how many eyes a spider had and just how hairy their legs are!  Here are a couple of photographs of some more of the specimens from our nature table.  Can you guess what they are?



