Dragonfly Class Homework 10.3.22


Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and  return it to school stuck in your homework book by Wednesday 16th March.

Maths task

This week, we have set an activity to be completed on MyMaths linked to the maths objectives covered in school over the last week.  Year 4 have revision of finding area, Year 3 have revision of finding perimeter and Year 2 have an activity on the properties of 2D shapes.  You will need the login details sent out in your homework book.

Your homework is due in on Wednesday 16th March.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Horton.


Shrewsbury Half Marathon miles begin…!

The Ruyton Runners took to the fields at lunch time today to complete their first mile. It was inspiring to see so many runners from Reception to Year 6 running together – there are 33 runners in total taking part in this challenge!

Many of these runners had signed up to complete the Shrewsbury Half Marathon on Saturday 9th April – one mile down, 13 to go!

Oswestry Music Festival success for Matthew!

We are delighted to announce that our Year 6 musician, Matthew, came 2nd place with distinction in the 12 and under category for solo brass at the Oswestry Music Festival at the weekend.

He had some super feedback from the adjudicators and really enjoyed the experience. Matthew told us,

“I thought that I wouldn’t do so well after I heard that much more experienced people were playing.”

His older sister, Elizabeth (a previous pupil of Ruyton who is now in Year 7), also achieved a fantastic 2nd place!  Well done Matthew and Elizabeth – we are really proud of you both.

World Book Day – Owl Class

We just LOVED World Book Day! A particular highlight this year was a live lesson from the author Michael Rosen; he had us all laughing but bamboozled us with some great tips for writing and learning spellings. Here we are in our splendour!

Story time with the ‘polite pirate’, Mrs Ball!

Plenty of loot-loving grandmas in school for WBD:

Reading with Hedgehog Class:

Engrossed by Michael Rosen:


Dragonfly Class Homework 3.3.22

Times Tables

Please complete the times table sheet given out in class and return it to school stuck in your homework book by Wednesday 9th March.


Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and  return it to school stuck in your homework book by Wednesday 9th March.

Reading the Game

Please bring in the completed question sheet (given out before half term) by Monday 7th March to be in with a chance of winning a ticket to a Shrewsbury Town home match.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Horton.

Reading the Game Homework task

Art through RE: Stained Glass Windows

Owl Class have had some fantastic outcomes with their stained-glass window effect creations over recent weeks.

They explored the key question: ‘What does it mean if God is holy and loving?’ then went on to learn art techniques and create these designs using acrylics.

The artwork is currently on display in our class window, although the children are keen to tell visitors how much better they look from inside class!

Well done Owls – a great result.