Dragonfly Class Homework 23.6.22

Times Tables

Please complete the times table sheet given out in class and return it to school stuck in your homework book by Wednesday 29th June.


Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and  return it to school stuck in your homework book by Wednesday 29th June.


Our new topic in Science is sound so this week, we would like you to complete the sound survey below.  You could do it at home or when you are out and about such as on a walk.

sound survey

Please bring in your homework by Wednesday 29th June.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Horton.


Football Friendly ⚽️ ⚽️⚽️

We had a fantastic afternoon today as Baschurch brought two football teams for a set of matches. Ruyton kicked off with a great 2-0 win, followed by a Baschurch penalty in the second game leading to a 1-0 Baschurch win. The last two games were both at 0-0!

A brilliant effort from all the boys from both schools; it was fantastic to see such talent and effort.

A special thank you to ex-pupil (and football legend!) Will Thomas and his friend Sam who came and refereed the matches. Superstars!

Dragonfly Class Arts Week 2022

We have had a fantastic Arts Week in Dragonfly Class looking at our focus country of India.  We have loved finding out about the country as well as creating some fantastic pieces of artwork using some new and sometimes, tricky techniques.  On Monday – Wednesday, we covered the following:

* We designed and made a silk painting of a the national flower of India, the lotus.  This was quite tricky as we needed very steady hands to apply the gutta outline and then use a different painting technique to apply the fabric paint.  The results are stunning!

*We looked at the technique of Sgraffito (from the Italian word for scratched) and used it to design beautiful decorated elephants by scraping away a wax layer from fabric in order to create grooves.  We then painted fabric paint onto the whole piece of fabric so that it went into the grooves.  Finally, Mrs Hollis ironed off all of the rest of the wax to reveal our fantastic designs.

*We used the technique of collage to create examples of silhouettes of Indian animals or landmarks and also very sparkly elephants too.

We are so proud of our artwork – please check out the posts for lots and lots of photos.

Oh, and we had fun dressing up too!