Dragonfly Homework 19.1.23

Times Tables:

Please complete the times table sheet given out in class and return it to school stuck in your homework book.


Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and  return it to school stuck in your homework book.


This half term, we are looking at the work of important scientists from around the world.  This week, we would like you choose a scientist and find out some facts about them.  This website might be useful to help you choose which one to look at:


Please write down your facts in your book in your own choice of format.  These headings may help:


When they were born:

Where they lived:

What they were famous for/what they discovered:

Your homework is due in on Wednesday 25th January.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Lloyd-Jones.


Owl Class Egyptian Art

I think you will agree these Egyptian landscapes, created by a group of children in Owls this afternoon, are just fantastic… they were rightfully proud too!















Dragonfly Class Homework 12.1.23

Times Tables:

Please complete the times table sheet given out in class and return it to school stuck in your homework book.


Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and  return it to school stuck in your homework book.


Next week, we will be looking at the work of painter Claude Monet.  Here is an example of one of his paintings called ‘Sea Study’.  Take a look at it and try and answer the following questions:

What is it a painting of?

Does it look realistic?

Which colours have been used?

What do you like about it?

What don’t you like about it/what would you change?

Monet Sea Study

Your homework is due in on Wednesday 18th January.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Lloyd-Jones.


Dragonfly Art 11.1.23

Today, we have been exploring using different techniques to apply paint onto paper using different tools.  These included sponges, cotton buds and using a technique called sgraffito.  The children then used their new skills to complete an outline of a turtle.  Well done Dragonfly Class; awesome art!


Welcome back – Owl Class Spring 2023

Welcome back to our new school term; we have had a brilliant first few days back in school sharing our Christmas highlights and getting back to a bit of normality. There has been much laughter in class this week! We’re also delighted to have been joined by a new member of Owls , Ellie, who everyone has helped settle in brilliantly.

We have an action-packed Spring Term ahead. Here is this term’s overview of what we will be learning:

Curriculum Map Ancient Egypt

I think you will agree there are some fascinating lessons coming up. We will also be enjoying a full day Ancient Egyptian workshop (with VR headsets!) whilst the Year 6 squad will also have Arthog to look forward to at the end of this term plus sports trips, Young Voices and more!

Here is our weekly timetable – there are no changes to music or PE days this term. Some children can find this useful to have printed at home and on display:

Owl Timetable for Children Spring 2023

Thank you for your continued support. As always, please do get in contact if ever you have any questions or concerns – parent / teacher communication is vital in keeping our children happy and performing at their best.

Here’s to another fun term in Owls!

Miss Whit 🙂

Dragonfly Class Knowledge Organisers Spring Term 2023

What a lovely first week back with Dragonfly Class!  We have loved hearing all about their Christmas holidays and getting some super work done too.

On Friday, you should have received a paper copy of the class topic overview.  If not, it can be found on the news section of our class page.  As per the letter attached to the topic overview, here are the knowledge organisers for our Spring Term subjects. The knowledge organisers outline what the children will be learning and useful key vocabulary.

Science Digestion Knowledge Organiser Dragonfly Class Spring 2023 PDF

Art painting Knowledge Organiser Dragonfly Class Spring 2023 PDF

Computing Online Reputation Knowledge Organiser Dragonfly Class Spring 2023 PDF

Computing Programming – Sequencing sounds Knowledge Organiser Dragonfly Class Spring 2023 PDF

DT textiles Knowledge Organiser Dragonfly Class Spring 2023 PDF

French Getting to Know You Knowledge Organiser Dragonfly Class Spring 2023 PDF

French holidays and hobbies Knowledge Organiser Dragonfly Class Spring 2023 PDF

History Innovators Knowledge Organiser Dragonfly Class Spring 2023 PDF

PSHE Knowledge Organiser Dragonfly Class Spring 2023 PDF

RE What does it mean to be Hindu in Britain today Knowledge Organiser Dragonfly Class Spring 2023 PDF

RE What kind of world did Jesus want Knowledge Organiser Dragonfly Class Spring 2023 PDF