Last week we completed our poetry unit, based on the poem ‘At The Zoo’ by William Thackery. We created our own list poems and some of us even managed to include some lines that rhymed!
This week we have moved onto our new book ‘The Great Fire of London’ by Emma Adams. We are all very excited this is our book because we loved learning about The Great Fire of London in History at the beginning of the year. This book is non-fiction, so we have been looking at the difference between fiction and non-fiction books. We also identified features of non-fictions books in the text.
In Maths, the Year 1s have been looking at numbers from 0-50. We have been partitioning numbers into 10s and 1s and towards the end the week we have been looking at number lines and identifying one more and one less than a number.
The Year 2s have been continuing their work on multiplication and division. We have looked at multiplying and dividing by 5. Then we looked at the connection between the 5 and 10 times tables (e.g. if we know 5 x 10 = 50, then we know 10 x 5 = 20), the children found this really interesting – they thought it was quite tricky to begin with but once they got the hang of it they loved using what they already knew to answer trickier calculations.
In RE we have been learning about the Jewish celebration ‘Passover’. We have learned what ‘Passover’ is and how it is celebrated. We thought about special things we celebrate and how we do it.
In Geography, we have been continuing to learn about Tocuaro. This week we thought about why people might want to visit Tocuaro and what they could do while they were there. We created posters to tell people what they could do and see if they were to visit.
In PSHE, we are learning all about money. This week we thought about jobs and how we need a job to be able to get money and buy things. We thought about jobs we might like to have and what we’d like to spend our hard earned money on!