Welcome back Owl Class (24/25)

I am so excited to welcome you all back to Owl Class next Wednesday for our first day of 2024-25. I hope you have all had a wonderful holiday with lots of sun and lots of rest! I certainly have! I look forward to hearing what you all got up to.

To begin Autumn term, attached below are the general timetable and curriculum map:

General Owl Timetable Autumn 1 2024

Curriculum Map Owl Autumn 24

Here is a few reminders / important bits of information for the upcoming term:

  1. PE will be on Monday and Tuesday, please come in your PE kit for those two days unless notified otherwise.
  2. Please bring your reading diaries and reading books in EVERY day. We will check on Tuesday that each child is reading at least 3x per week. All other equipment is provided by the school.
  3. Homework is due in on Tuesday mornings. This is compulsory. On Wednesdays, the class will take a cold spelling test, where they are tested on grouped words. Each child will take home – the same day (sometimes Thursdays) – a personalised spelling list that they will need to practice for the following Tuesday where the hot test is undertaken first thing in the morning. They will also have to complete a homework task and practice their times tables with evidence in their books. Times tables are also tested throughout the school week.
  4. Our school day starts at 8.45am with the hall door opening at 8.40am. A member of staff is always on the door to the hall so please feel free to use this as an opportunity to share communication or ask any questions you have.

I am really excited to begin our school term next week and I look forward to welcoming you all next Wednesday (4th Sep) at 8:40!

Mr Arthur 🙂