Firstly, thank you to everyone who has donated to our Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal this week; your donations will be greatly received.
Sports News
We have LOTS to celebrate in our first week back. Head over to our sports page links to catch up with Year 3/4 Dodgeball at the Corbet School plus the KS2 Football team who participated in the Shrewsbury EFL Cup at Shrewsbury Town!
Weekly Celebrations
School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):
Year 6 – Elsie for ‘Perseverance’ – Elsie always gives 100% to all her classwork – especially writing. Well done Elsie!
Year 5 Alex for ‘Friendship’ : Alex is a friend to everyone. He is working really hard and has been great in teamwork tasks.
Year 4 Seb for ‘Perseverance’: Seb is trying really hard in his handwriting – keep it up!
Year 3 Sky for ‘Perseverance’: An amazing effort in maths this week!
Year 2 Kohen for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’: Kohen has been working really hard on his handwriting. We have seen a massive improvement since the beginning of the year!
Year 1 Freddie for ‘Friendship’, ‘Love’ and ‘Respect’: Freddie is a superstar! He is a lovely friend to everyone, he is always a respectful and a delight to have in class!
Reception Oakley for ‘Respect’: For always having beautiful manners, being considerate and helpful to others. Well done Oakley, what a super end to the week 🙂
Bumblebees Freddie for ‘for trying his best to master new skills!’
Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)
Plus an extra winner in Owls Class as they had the most tickets this week, and another for Hedgehogs for being the superstars of Worship this week 👏
Congratulations to all our winners this week!
Other celebrations:
Blake has earned this fabulous Swimming Certificate for completing his 200 metres distance badge! This is incredible Blake, well done you!