Welcome back to our new school year. The children have all made a super start; each class has been full of learning and laughter already! Today’s photographer also took the time to comment on how impressed she was by all the children with their listening skills and respect. Well done everyone!
Weekly Celebrations :
School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):
Year 6 – Lylah for ‘Hope’ : Lylah has made a super start to her Year 6 at Ruyton: working hard, making friends and even applying for the school councils!
Year 5 Tilly for ‘Wisdom’ : Tilly’s speech in the Council elections was inspiring; showing a depth of thought. She’s given great answers in class all week too!
Year 4 Layla for ‘Friendship’ : Layla has made an excellent start to her new school, making friends and showing care towards others.
Year 3 Isaac for ‘Wisdom’: Isaac has confidently shared his ideas and knowledge this week.
Year 2 Nancy for ‘Respect’ and ‘Wisdom’: Nancy has been a super role-model to others in Rabbit Class – keep it up!
Year 1 Mwaita for Friendship: In PSHE we have been thinking about what makes us special but Mwaita wanted to think about what made others special. What a lovely thing to do!
Reception Jasmine for Trust and Friendship: For being very kind and caring to all her friends in Hedgehog Class and having a great first week.
Bumblebees Nancy: For helping new children settle into Bumblebees and always showing kindness!
Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)
Plus an extra winner in Rabbit Class as they had the most tickets this week 👏
Congratulations to all our winners this week.
Reminders for next week:
Wednesday – dressing up for Roald Dahl Day!
Thursday – KS2 Visitor from the Dogs Trust (in school)
Friday – a day of celebration for World Afro Hair Day (in school event)