Safer Schools Award 2022

Safer Schools Update February 2022

Dear parents/carers,

Great news!  We recently had our 2 year review of our participation in the Safer Schools initiative and we are delighted to report that the school has passed its re-accreditation. Mrs Ball would like to thank all those involved in Safer Schools including our brilliant Healthy Helpers school councillors.

Here is a message from Ian Bartlett, Crime Prevention Officer Shropshire Council:

‘Congratulations to St John the Baptist CE Primary School on maintaining the Safer School accreditation. The school was accredited a Safer School in 2004 and recently, Mrs Hollis with the support of Mrs Ball, held a Safer School meeting to update the school’s involvement in the security/safety initiative. The virtual meeting went well and I was impressed by the hard work of the school in preparation for the meeting. The Police normally attend the meeting but on this occasion, they had to forward their apologies. With the assistance of staff and governors, we reviewed security/safety measures, including the recent security improvements (fencing and entrance lobby) and we reviewed the incident reporting process. Fortunately, there had been no incidents since 2019 – excellent news. An essential element of the initiative involves communication and the parent/carer and pupil survey results were reassuring. It was a really positive meeting and it concluded with the school receiving an updated Safer School certificate. A future meeting will be planned for 2023.’

Thank you to all who completed the parental survey in November.  The Safer Schools Group analysed the responses (25 in total) and the results are below:

Question Yes No
Q1 Do you feel that the school site is a safe site? 100% 0%
Q2 Do you feel that the site is tidy and welcoming? 100% 0%
Q3 Do you consider the current school and directional signage around the site to be adequate? 100% 0%
Q4 Are you aware that as a parent/carer visitor during the day, you should report to the school reception via the main entrance? 100% 0%
Q5 Do you feel that both the visitor badges and staff ID system are well deployed and evident on the occasions when you visit? 92% 8%
Q6 Are you currently aware of any unauthorised people using our school site out-of-hours? This would include people walking dogs? 8% 92%
Q7 Please feel free to add any further comments, including any good and positive observations, thank you. Beautiful flowers.

We feel that our daughter is very safe, thank you!

I think the school is very welcoming and friendly and feels very safe.

Feel the school site is well signed and secure.

We are very pleased by the positive feedback and continue to welcome any comments regarding the safety of our school.

Mrs Hollis