Dragonfly Class Homework 25.11.21

Times Tables:

We are having more of a focus on times table knowledge in class.  This is for two reasons: firstly, pupils are expected to know all tables facts up to 12 x 12 fluently by the end of Year 4 and secondly, they will find so many aspects of maths easier with a quicker recall of these facts.  Therefore, we will be completing activities in school as well as sending weekly sheets looking at times tables and related division facts.  Children will move onto the next sheet up when they have achieved full marks in school.  There will not be a time limit on completing the sheets in school.  TTRockstars is also excellent for practising times tables and can be used at anytime at home.

1) Please complete the times table sheet given out in class and return it to school stuck in your homework book.


1)      Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and return it to school stuck in your homework book.

Your homework is due in on Wednesday 1st December

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Horton.