Owl Class Home Learning 6.1.21

Good Morning Owls!  Well here we are again!  A huge well done to all of you that completed yesterday’s tasks and especially to those who sent work in for me to look at.  Keep it up – you are doing us all proud.  (Imagine that said in your favourite of my epic accents!)

Here are your home learning tasks for today:

*English – Today, we are continuing the unit from The Oak National Academy.  Using the link below, find Year 6 week beginning Monday 14th December and select Wednesday’s English lesson.  It is called ‘To explore word class’.  Follow the instructions in the lesson to work through the teaching video and the related activity.


*Maths – Today, we are looking at multiplying fractions by integers.  Take a look at the PowerPoint before completing the relevant worksheets for your year group.  Remember that the question sheets are divided into 2 strands :Reasoning and Problem Solving (RPS) and Verbal Fluency (VF) and into 3 levels of difficulty (developing, expected and greater depth.  You only need to complete one of the three levels of difficulty for each strand i.e. Year 5 expected RPS and VF.  The answers are included at the back of each set for you to mark your work.






If you find the work above too tricky, try a bit more on adding fractions with the activity below.


*Reading – spend at least 15 minutes reading today.

*Times Table practice – log onto TTRockstars and spend at least 20 minutes improving your quick recall of times tables.

*Art – I think today we deserve to do a bit of Art today!  Now don’t worry, I know my drawing ability is not going to win me any prizes so we will start slowly and work up to something a bit trickier later in the term.  For now, have a look at the very simple PowerPoint that I have attached below.  It covers a few basic techniques for sketching and adding tone to a sketch.  It does mention trying some of the techniques out in your sketchbook which I know you don’t, have, but you can use any paper that you do have at home or a page of your home learning exercise book.  You can also use an ordinary pencil and experiment with the different tones that you can achieve by pressing lightly or with more pressure.  Please send in a photo of your work and I will put them up in an Owl’s gallery.  (I won’t include mine as it may be too scarily bad to look at for long!)


Record your work in the book sent home from school.  Please send copies/photos of your work to the admin email address.

Have a good day,

Mrs Hollis