Year 6 – photos of Owl class

Hi Year 6, we thought we would post a bit of information and a few pictures of what Owl classroom looks like ready for some of you to return to school this Thursday.

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As you can see, the tables have been arranged a little differently  and there is just one person per table.  On each table, there is a box containing equipment such as: a writing pen, pencil, whiteboard and pen, ruler, rubber, highlighters etc as well as a dictionary/thesaurus.  There are also just two exercise books – one with squares for maths and one with lines for any written activities.  We will be following the same work that is set on the class page with Mrs Hollis teaching you on a Monday/Tuesday and Mrs Henney teaching on a Thursday/Friday. Over the next couple of weeks, all Year 6’s will be being set some transition work to complete for The Corbet so please check the Owl Class page regularly for details on this.

All other general information regarding timings for the day, clothing and food can be found on the letter sent out by Nikki last week.

If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact school.

Have a great day and see you soon,

Mrs Hollis and Mrs Henney