National Walking Month Challenge… the RESULTS!

Thank you to those of you who competed in our National Walking Month House Challenge. We asked you to send in your weekly steps in an hour each day to count as points towards your house. And the best bit – the staff played too! But did they win…?

A few of you made a BRILLIANT effort towards this challenge.

The results:


3rd: Staff: 195,872 steps – a SPECIAL WELL DONE to Mrs Farmer who made a brilliant effort towards steps for the staff team!

2nd :  Wykey Red with a whopping 204,232 steps (well done Rhys for a super effort for his team)

1st: Shelvock White : 237,154 (with a huge well done to Amber and Devon for their contributions in steps!)

Congratulations to the winners and all the children who took part. Superstars!