Morning all 🙂
I hope you all enjoyed your work on World Oceans Day. In school I had a day catching up on maths activities with Liam and Harry from Dragonfly Class – remember that we leave all the previous work up so feel free to catch up if you’ve missed anything and have time to do so now. It was a lovely day in school – we even tackled the PE shed! Harry was far braver with spiders than me 🕷👏🏼
Here are today’s activities:
- English: Bitesize tasks today. If Bitesize doesn’t work for you, have a go at this activity pack.
Y5 – Writing Direct & Indirect speech
2. Spellings: Learn your year group list below (feel free to have a look at other year groups). Challenge: Test yourself each day to see how many you’ve really remembered…then focus on the ones you haven’t.
Y 5Handwriting Practice – Continuous Cursive
Y3 Handwriting Practice – Continuous Cursive
Y4 Handwriting Practice – Continuous Cursive
3. Maths: Access today’s White Rose worksheet below (print if you can) then once you’ve read through it, learn about the skills using the video link. Once done, check your answers!
Year 3:
Year 4:
Lesson 2 – Dividing 2 digits by 10
Year 5:
Year 5 week 7 Lesson-2-Answers
Year 5 week 7 Lesson-2-Understand-thousandths
4. Reading: Enjoy reading your own book today.
Other ideas:
- PE: Continue working on the Virtual School Games activities! Week 2 is Kurling!
2. Science: Have a look at this Bitesize activity about food chains. Can you design your own?
Have a great day,
Miss Whit 🙂