Rabbits – home learning for 12th June

Good morning Rabbits

Did you get terribly wet yesterday doing the action figure diving challenge?

Spelling test today – see if you can correctly finish the spelling words by filling in the blanks.

Maths:  Please have a go on the TT Rock stars today.  If you want to visit My Maths there is a task for you to do.

English: you can complete your story today.  Remember the ending needs to make sense, it needs you to explain what has happened and what the character does at the end is also important.  Otherwise there is the BBC Bitesize task if you prefer.

Project:  Sports English Activity year 2 and 3  This task is all about sport and gets you to think of the vocabulary and imagine what the sports people are saying.  You can look through the pages and select the sport that is of most interest to you – just complete one of the pages.

Sports Stadiums:  As you know, last year I was teaching in another country – while I was there in Qatar, they were building new stadiums for the 2022 World Cup Football.  It was pretty exciting.  I have included some pictures of their new stadiums for you to see.  I would like you to design your own.  It does not have to be for football but could be for any favourite sport.  The stadium can be made from an empty box and I would like you to include the pitch, the goals and also the fans – you could draw lots of faces and stick them around the stadium.  See if you can get really creative and design the outside.  Some famous buildings have been built for Olympics – the Birds Nest Stadium was built to look like a nest!  The stadium in Doha (where I lived) was made to look like a torch.  See what inspires you.

Stadium Pictures

I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.  Well done for keeping up with your learning and for being such lovely children for your families.

Mrs Cooke