Rabbits Home Learning for Thursday 14th May

Good morning Rabbits.  Thank you for sending in your work from Tuesday and Wednesday.  Keep it coming!

Project:  I wanted you to do some maths and drawing as part of your project today – I would like you to firstly select your favourite flying object as this will be your ‘main character’ for the game.  It can be anything that flies.

Your flying character is going on a journey.  You will need:  the picture of the world map that is attached.  A pencil and paper; a lot of imagination!

Your character is going to fly to different locations across the world and land there.  Your job is to measure how far they have travelled and then do a dotty map of where their journey took them.  It might start in Shropshire and a dotted line will take them all the way to Southern France – then on to Morocco or over to Egypt – or you could do a different journey and go to the North.  The important thing is that you draw the journey out and name what cities or towns (or famous locations) your flying character has visited.


Now in order to measure distance – you can use this handy website.  It asks you to type in the starting location and then the end location and it gives you the miles. You will have to write the days or hours journey time on your line and at the end, you will have to try to add it all up- but don’t do that just yet!


(change the sliding button to miles not km)

You can have some fun selecting amazing places that your flying object could visit – I have also included this website as it shows the 7 wonders of the world – you might think your character would visit some of these – or visit countries that you have already been to – or heard about.



Spelling Test:  Yes, it’s that time again!  Have a look at the page on Spellings and see if you can circle the correct spelling please.  Good luck.

Maths:  I have the lesson for today attached: Y3  Lesson 4 Scaling 2019

y2 lesson 4

English:  Once again please use the BBC Bitesize.

I think that is enough for today!  I have set you a lot of work for the project today and it should be interesting to find out all about the 7 wonders of the world.  If you would like more to do – here is a reading task about two of those places.

Christ The Redeemer


Have a super day!

Mrs Cooke