Dragonfly Class Monday 18th May

Good morning Dragonflies,

I enjoyed a catch-up with many of you on Friday – it was lovely to hear your voices and hear how everyone is well and keeping busy.

Here are your learning activities for today:

  1. Reading:  Log onto Reading Eggs for a comprehension activity.

2. Spellings: Access the link below for your year group and learn the set list. You could print the handwriting sheet OR present it in your Homework Pack.

Year 5 Spellings & Handwriting

Year 4 Spellings & Handwriting

Year 3 Spellings & Handwriting

3. Maths:

The usual White Rose links can be found below – this is my preferred choice of task for you. However… some of you commented that you were having better success with My Maths than White Rose. Consequently, this week I have uploaded LOTS of tasks on My Maths for you to keep working on if you would prefer – I don’t expect you to complete everything, but aim to spend your normal hour a day of maths working on it.

To access the related video, go to the usual White Rose page through the link below.  You will need to go to Summer Term week 5, day 1 today.

Year 5


Year 5 week 5 Lesson-1 Answers

Year 5 week 5 Lesson-1-Add-and-subtract-fractions

Year 5 White Rose Maths

Year 4


Y4 Lesson 1 – Recognise tenths and hundredths

Y4 Lesson 1 Answers

Year 4 White Rose Maths

Year 3 

Year 3 White Rose Maths – for teaching clip

Y3 Lesson 1 – Unit and non-unit fractions

Y3 Lesson 1 Answers

4. English: 

For something a bit different this week, have a look at the link below for Lesson 1 of a poetry lesson.

It features a quick cold-test, a video link then some activities to complete.

National Academy Poetry Lesson 1

Other ideas for Monday:

PSHE – in case you didn’t have chance last week or you didn’t complete the three resources, have a look at the lesson and activities below.

LESSON – KS2 Home learning – Our Special People

Resource 1 – Friends and family statements

Resource 2 – Zone of relevance

Resource 3 – Friend and family scenarios

TT Rockstars:  The Inter House Tournament Round 7 continues – your second match against each house! Play ‘Battle’ to earn your team points.

Have a great Monday,

Miss Whit 🙂