Hedgehogs Home Learning Thursday 7th May 2020

Hello Hedgehogs

Your activities for today are below, I hope you enjoy them. If you have difficulty getting on to any websites or you aren’t quite sure what to do, please email school at admin@ruyton.shropshire.sch.uk and I will try to get back to you or update this page as soon as possible.

You can also email photographs of your work to the above email address too for me to put on the school website. We love to see what you have been up to!

Thank you

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills

Using a little basket or a small box, make a spiders web using string or wool. Put little objects inside and see if you can use a clothes peg to get them out without disturbing the web!

spider web activity


Reception – CVC words and for those who’d like more of a challenge, the sound ‘ur’.

Reception 7th May CVC words

Reception 7th May ‘ur’

Year 1 – the ‘air’ sound

Year 1 7th May ‘air’


Choose some of the words you have been looking at in phonics as your spellings this week. Write them on the look, cover, write, check sheet and practice them every day.

Look cover write check


Year 1 – Please look on BBC Bitesize for your activity today – it’s a reading lessons called ‘Cyril and Pat’ by Emily Gravett. Please choose the English activity from the screen on the link below.


Reception – In maths this week, you have been looking at the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Use the sheet below to make a list of all the food that the caterpillar ate!

7th May 2020


Reception – Please carry on with your maths work all about The Very Hungry Caterpillar here…


Year 1 – You are adding by counting on today…



Please continue with the booklet you were shown last week all about Pablo The Banana.

Pablo Story Flashcards 30th April and 7th May


Please choose a book from Oxford Owls to read. Remember to choose a book from your age group! If its too easy or too hard, please choose a book from a different age band.
