School Meals

School MealsWe have an excellent school kitchen and dedicated staff who prepare and cook meals freshly on site each day. Menu’s,  payment and allergy details can be found over in our Parents’ Area on our Lunch Menu & Payment page.

Lunch Menu & Payment
You may wish for your child to have a packed lunch. Your child will be provided with a place and will be supervised. In the interests of safety please ensure that drinks are sent to school in non-breakable containers.

Healthy Eating

The planning of school meal menus take account of Government recommended nutritional standards. As a healthy school we encourage lunch boxes provided from home to also contain a balance of food groups. The lunchtime supervisors encourage the children to eat well.
Our school is taking part in the National Fruit Scheme and the children are provided with a piece of fruit each day. The fruit is provided free of charge to the school and is given out at morning break. It has proved very popular and promotes our healthy eating policy. We encourage all children to have a piece of fruit at break time instead of a chocolate or crisp snack.

Free School Meals

If your child may be eligible for free school meals please do not hesitate to contact us. Some funding to schools each year is based on the number of pupils eligible for free school meals (Pupil Premium). The school encourages all eligible families to apply, even if they choose not to have the lunchtime meal.

School Milk

Children under 5 are entitled to free school milk. If your child is over five they are entitled to subsidised milk, register online now and you can pay straight away: