It’s been a busy last week of term at St John’s: Forest Schools, football matches, Maths Focus Day, Languages Taster Day, North Shropshire Netball Championships, Open the Book and a scrumptious Valentines lunch! We shared our work in these areas whilst celebrating the following….
Golden Book
Children earn their place in the Golden Book following an accumulation of classroom stars / awards.
Xenia – 12th Award
Lily (Hedgehogs) – for great effort writing
Bella – for great maths
Arthur D – for persevering and problem solving in maths
Bella – lovely topic leaflet, well done!
Abbie – for overcoming her worries and playing her first football match
Charlie P – for staying positive this week & being a great help in football
Reuben – perseverance and teamwork of school football
Liam – for determination in school football
Our football teams were celebrated for their participation the match against Myddle on Wednesday. Several of our children represented the school for the first time and overcame their worries to enjoy a super evening of sport.